
  • 网络Intra-industry Division;Intra-industry Specialization;Intra-Industry Division of Labour
  1. 从产品内分工的概念入手,区别分析了产业间分工、产业内分工和产品内分工的差异,分析了产品内分工的决定因素、特点、影响及其启示。

    Beginning with the conception of intra-product specialization , this paper investigates the differences of inter-industry specialization , intra-industry specialization and intra-product specialization , and then analyzes the decision elements , characteristics , influences and enlightenments of intra-product specialization .

  2. 但随着国际分工体系的演进,东亚地区产业内分工形式日益兴盛,这使得产业内贸易影响机制成为中国与东亚经济周期协动性领域的重要研究方向。

    However , with the evolution of international division system , the form of intra-industry division in East Asia is increasingly prosperous , making the intra-industry influence mechanism becomes an important research direction in the field of business cycle synchronization between China and East Asia .

  3. OEM是在不完全竞争和规模收益递增前提下产业内分工的产物;OEM是企业不断追求利润最大化的产物。

    OEM is the product of inner-industry work division on the premise of imperfect competition and increasing scale profits ;

  4. 围绕这一思路,我们从产业内分工演进、产业间分工演进和市场间分工演进等三个层面进行了分类探讨。

    Along these lines , we discussed respectively from three aspects , that is , the division of labor within the industry , the division of labor between industries and division of labor between markets .

  5. 本文引入了生产者文化因素和产品工程构造对分工组织的影响,构建了一个基于产品构造的组织结构与国家/企业文化的匹配关系的理论框架,用以分析产业内分工的产品定位问题。

    With adding culture factors of producers , this paper constructs a theory framework of matching relationship between national culture and organizational structure based on product architecture to analyze the position problem of inner-industry work division .

  6. 本文认为,不同于新经济地理学模型结论,这个阶段农村剩余劳动力的流动可以有效地促进两个地区之间和地区内部的制造业产业内分工水平。

    This article is different from the New Economic Geography model conclusions , at this stage ; the flow of rural surplus factor can be effective in promoting the devision level of the manufacturing sector and intra-industrial within the two areas and between regions .

  7. 产业内国际分工体系深化;

    Furthering international industrial division system ;

  8. 产品内国际分工确切的说是产业内国际分工的扩展,关于产业内国际分工的理论解释一般来说也可以对产品内国际分工的原因进行分析。

    Intra-product specialization is actually the extension of Intra-industry trade , so the theory to explain the latter can be taken over to analyze the reasons for the former .

  9. 我国产业内贸易与分工格局研究

    The Research of China 's Intra-Industry Trade and Division Structure

  10. 我们应通过发展产业内贸易提升国际分工地位,促进贸易动力的转化。

    We should develop intra-industry trade to upgrade our industrial structures and promote the transformation of trade motivation .

  11. 在此基础上,文章的第三部分从外部经济、产业集聚和产品内分工入手,对附加价值来源转化的机理进行了理论上的探索。

    Chapter Three explores theoretically the mechanisms which the origin of added value transforms on the basis of externality , industrial agglomeration and intra-product specialization .

  12. 最后以纺织业的数据进行了更进一步的研究,结果表明:产业集群内专业化分工网络是影响出口的最主要因素,创新也是一个因素,但是相关性不是很高。

    Thirdly , in representative of the textile industry shows that specialization within the industry cluster network is the most important factor to affect exports and innovation is also a positive factor , but the correlation is not very high .

  13. 随着国际分工由产业间分工向产业内分工和产品内分工转变,企业掌握产业链控制力非常重要。

    Enterprise industry chain controling power is very important as the international division from the inter-industry division to intra-industrial division and intra-product division .

  14. 从反倾销发生的角度来看,产业间分工比产业内分工更容易引起反倾销调查。

    In view of the occurrence of AD , inter-industry division of labor is more easily to arouse AD investigation compared to intra-industry division of labor .

  15. 再次,本文运用计量经济模型研究了产业间分工和产业内分工下美国对华反倾销的贸易效应。

    Third , this paper has studied the trade effect of US anti-dumping to China under inter-industry division of labor and intra-industry division of labor by using econometric models .

  16. 随着世界分工体系新格局的形成,具体表现为当代的国际分工正由垂直型分工向混合型分工转变,呈现出产业间分工、产业内分工和产品内分工并存的格局。

    The new pattern of global division system has emerged with the change from vertical division to mixed division as well as the coexistence between inter-industries , intra-industries and intra-products .

  17. 随着科技革命的推进,国际分工经历了产业间分工、产业内分工和产品内分工进而到工序分工的发展过程。

    With the development of science and technology , the International division of labor experienced the process of Industry division of labor , the Intra-industry division of labor , even the Intra-product specialization division .

  18. 第三章,产品内国际分工动因分析。产品内国际分工是国际分工超越产业间分工与产业内分工而进一步深化发展的表现,其原始动力来源于第三次科技革命所带来的生产力巨大发展。

    The intra-product international specialization is the embodiment of the international specialization developing further and transcending the inter-industries and the intra-industry ones . Its motivity sources from the great productivity progress by the third science and technology revolution .

  19. 国际分工越是发展,其形式就越多样化,突出表现为:从产业间到产业内(分工边界内移)、从有形贸易分工到无形贸易分工。

    The more the international division develops , the more the forms become diversified , which prominently is : from inter-industry to inner-industry division ( the border is moving inward ), from tangible trade to intangible trade division .

  20. 另一方面,韩国往往把投资地的产业纳入到其产业内垂直分工的体系中。

    In addition , Korea has regarded Chinese industry as one sector in its vertical labor-division system .

  21. 将浓缩苹果汁产业做大做强意味着产业内分工的不断深化,产品附加值得以增加,要素得到优化配置,因而是现代经济发展的重要一环。

    A bigger and stronger Apple juice concentrate industry means that the deepening division of labor within the industry , which is an important part of modern economic development , because we will be able to increase value-added products and optimize the allocation factor .

  22. 依据社会分工的规律,利用市场规模优势,推动产业集团化、规模化,以积极发展产业内分工。

    And in accordance with the discipline of social division of labor , make use of the advantage of market size to promote the conglomeration and large-scale industries , which is favorable to the development of intra-industry division .

  23. 本文试图将区域研究的视角实现以下转变:区域中单一产业的发展战略应转到跨部门或产业内的价值链分工活动的发展;

    This thesis aims at changing the research views in following aspects : Regional single industry development strategies should be taken place of by regional spanning sectors or industry value-chains division economy development strategies ;

  24. 要在开放型经济中实现我国钢铁产业的持续、高效扩张,必须致力于提高其产业内分工和贸易水平。

    Therefore , to realize the sustained and high efficient expansion of our steel industry in opened economic environment , efforts shall be made to improve the level of labor division and trade within the industry .

  25. 传统的比较优势理论被认为只能解释通常发生在发达国家与发展中国家之间的产业间垂直分工和贸易,而主要在发达国家之间进行的产业内水平分工和贸易则需要用新贸易理论来说明。

    The traditional theory of Comparative Advantage is considered as only explaining the inter-industry vertical trade that commonly exists between developed countries and developing countries . The intra-industry horizontal trade that mainly takes place within developed countries is thought to be explained by the New Trade Theory .