
  1. CAFTA进程中广西与东盟物流产业对接研究

    Research on the Docking of Logistic Industry between Guangxi and ASEAN in the Procession of CAFTA

  2. 闽台两岸产业对接研究张家口市与京津产业对接状况调研

    An Investigation and Study of Industrial Connection among Zhangjiakou , Beijing and Tianjin

  3. 而皖江城市带自身也的确具备了与长三角产业对接的后发优势。

    And it does have the backward advantages .

  4. 试论会展业与旅游业的产业对接

    On Connection between Mice Industry and Tourism Industry

  5. 动漫的产业对接在上中下游企业之间是一种共识、合作的意愿都很明确。

    Docking in the animation industry on the River is a consensus between business , willingness to cooperate is very clear .

  6. 如何进行产业对接对我国东中西部地区在今后几年中要面临解决的产业竞争力培育和产业存续发展具有重要的现实意义。

    How to promote the industrial connection is realistically significant to the competitive ability cultivation and the continuous industrial development between the Eastern and Midwest China in the next years .

  7. 双方还可以充分发挥各自优势,促进两国产业对接,创新合作模式,提高整体经贸合作水平。

    The two sides may also harness respective strengths , boost mutually complementary industrial cooperation , and develop new cooperation models so as to elevate our business ties to a new high .

  8. 福建省要深化国际分工地位,就必须链入跨国公司的全球价值链,促进跨国公司与内资企业的关联和产业对接,在同跨国公司的合作与竞争中增强企业竞争力。

    To improve this situation , Fujian must join into the global chain of values , strengthen the association or connection of domestic corporations with international ones , and reinforce their competitive power .

  9. 阐述了选题的背景和意义,特别是论述了对于欠发达地区的内蒙古如何与相对发达的环渤海地区产业对接的重要价值。

    It explains the background and significance , in particular , discusses the important value of industrial connection between relatively developed industrial areas , Bohai Sea and less developing regions , Inner Mongolia .

  10. 融入长三角,与东岸经济区实现产业对接,后来居上,将成为未来发展战略中必须破解的主题。

    Now the main topics to be tackled in the future development strategy are these : the integration into Yangtze River Delta , industrial connection with east-coast economic zone and catching up from behind .

  11. 而降低商务成本和打造商务价值高地则是实现长三角产业对接战略的平台和动力机制。

    Meanwhile , the reduction of the cost and the enhancement of the value of the goods are the strategic platform and dynamical mechanism to realize the " industry tie-in " in this area .

  12. 双方应该坚持贸易和投资并重,通过扩大相互投资,优化贸易结构,加强产业对接,做大做好合作蛋糕,提高两国国际竞争力,创造更多就业机会。

    We should give equal importance to trade and investment , expand and upgrade bilateral cooperation through increased mutual investment , better trade mix and greater industrial connectivity , raise the international competitiveness of both countries and create more jobs .

  13. 但产业对接的规模和效率并没有理论预计的好,市场机制的不完善和政府干预的行为误区是产业对接效率不高的重要原因。

    The scale and the efficiency of industrial connection , however , do not meet our expectation perfectly . One of the main reasons to the inefficiency in industrial connection is the imperfection of market system and the misbehavior of governmental interference .

  14. 应根据中日产业对接的特征和对日本产业转移趋势的了解,结合中国产业及经济发展要求,对如何实现我国的中日产业高效对接进行深入研究。

    This article analyses the features of the Industry Connection , and on the basis of the trend of Japanese industry transfer and development demand of China 's industry and economy , puts forward China 's countermeasures in the efficient Sino-Japan industry connection .

  15. 伴随着中国-东盟自贸区建设的不断推进,中国与东盟之间将加快产品与贸易流通、市场融合和产业对接,所有这些都需要有一个强有力的现代物流服务体系给予支撑。

    With the construction of the China - ASEAN free trade promotes steadily , China and ASEAN will speed up product and trade circulation , market integration and industrial connection , all these demand a strong modern physical distribution service system to support .

  16. 闽台行业协会作为非营利组织,两者之间若能密切地交流与合作势必在促进闽台经贸交流、产业对接、文化交流、农业合作、平台建设等方面发挥着巨大的引擎作用。

    Association between Fujian and Taiwan , as non-profit organization , playing a huge role if the two is bound closely to promote exchanges and cooperation in economic and trade exchanges , industrial docking , cultural exchanges , agricultural cooperation , platform construction .

  17. 提出了财税支持、扩大审批权限、台企享受内资待遇、扩大小额贸易权限、优化金融环境、检验检疫直通放行、促进重点产业对接、设立自由贸易园区等八方面的政策建议。

    The policy suggestions were Proposed : tax support , expand approval jurisdiction , enjoy treatment of domestic enterprises , expand the small trade authority , optimize financial environment , inspection and quarantine release directly , promote key industry docking and set free trade zone and so on .

  18. 风险投资与海宁高新技术产业发展对接的商业模式研究

    A Study on a Business Model of Developing Hi-Tech Industry in Haining by Venture Investment

  19. 为了解决这些困难,世界各国的专家或学者不断地投入资源对金融资本与电影产业的对接进行研究。

    To address these difficulties , experts around the world pay much attention to the financial capital of the movie industry .

  20. 县城与区域性中心城市的对接主要包括发展观念对接、管理体制对接、产业布局对接、基础设施对接、市场机制对接等内容。

    This convergence between county and regional core city mainly includes the links of developing viewpoint , managerial system , industrial pattern , infrastructure and market mechanism .

  21. 网络媒体基于网络的先天技术优势及其作为媒体的信息服务功能,注定成为网络经济与传媒产业实现对接的最佳组合。

    Congenital technological advantage based on network and regarding as the information service function of the media , the network media is destined to become the best result that internet economy and media industry realized butt joint .

  22. 国际种业发展的启示种子产业中外强强对接

    Enlightenment of international seed industry development International cooperation between powerful enterprises in seed industry

  23. 本文的研究,为传统企业转型升级并实现与战略性新兴产业的匹配对接提供具体操作方法。

    This paper provided a practical and specific method for upgrading and transformation the traditional enterprices so that realizing the abutment of traditional enterprices and the emerging strategic industries successfully .

  24. 通过对民族文化生态旅游的内涵分析,研究了民族文化生态旅游的开发模式、文化生态产业与旅游产业对接模式等内容,进一步提出我国西部民族文化生态旅游的开发对策。

    This article analyzed intensions and development-model of cultural and ecological tourism . Based on the analysis of the jointing cultural and ecological industry to tour industry , the authors gave some advice for the cultural and ecological tourism development model .

  25. 他说,请专家们来,就是讲授如何实现动漫产业和其他产业的对接。

    He said experts had been asked to , is to teach how to achieve the animation industry and other industries in the butt .

  26. 在产业转移的环境下,通过产业对接方式实现广东与广西的产业结构升级是本文研究的主题。

    The theme of the thesis is to accomplish industrial upgrading through the industrial tie-in mode under the background of industrial transfer .

  27. 百色需要突出特色,通过优势产业,实现与东部转移产业无缝对接;

    It is necessary for Baise to give prominence to its characteristics , and through its industries with local advantages , to realize its seamless abutment on the eastern industry transfer .

  28. 以产业链为纽带,促进东、中部产业对接,应统筹东、中部区域发展规划,建立相应的市场准入和退出机制等。

    In order to promote industry joint of eastern and mid-part of China , they should make regional developing plan as a whole , set up responding market admittance and exiting system .

  29. 它在促进区域产业发展的同时,提出了新的挑战和要求&产业对接。

    Beside the industrial development resulted from them , they demand new challenge and condition , that is , industrial connection .

  30. 国际产业转移的实践证明,产业转移促进产业结构升级,而产业对接则是实现这一动态过程的有效行为方式。

    The practice of international industrial transfer confirmed a fact that industrial transfer promoted the upgrading of industrial structure , and the industrial tie-in mode was the most effective way to realize it .