
  1. 新的产业组织范式,表现为全球价值链体系的垂直裂解,基于分布式开放网络的资源敏捷组合,以及跨越行业与组织边界的生产要素协同。

    The new formula is characterized by vertical cracking of global value chain and synergy in production factors of stepping across the traditional organizational boundaries on the basis of agile recourse combination in open networks .

  2. 本世纪以来,经济发展加快向全球化、网络化、知识化、需求个性化方向演进,这推动了产业组织范式的根本性变革。

    Since the beginning of this century , the economic development , which has been speeding up its involvement towards being globalized , networked , intellectualized and personalized on demands , has promoted the ultimate transformation in paradigm of industrial organization .

  3. 因此利用产业组织SCP范式理论,能够找出影响中国电信产业发展的因素及其之间的相互关系,从而制定出正确的电信产业政策。

    So the pattern of " structure-conduct-performance " of the industry organization theory can find the factors of the development of Chinese telecommunications industry and the relationship between them . Therefore , we can make out the correct policy of telecommunications industry .

  4. 产业组织合作范式的确立,对于现阶段中国产业组织调整具有重要启示意义。

    The confirmation of cooperation framework in industrial organization has revelation significance to the adjustments of industrial organization in nowadays China .

  5. 借鉴西方产业组织SCP分析范式,以国际竞争力为导向,在比较日本、韩国及我国台湾地区赶超型产业政策、市场结构、市场行为、市场绩效的基础上,分析产业政策的传导机理。

    Based on the SCP paradigm and according to international competence , this paper compares the " catching-up " policies , market structure , market conduct and market performance of Japan , Korea and Taiwan , and analyzes the transition of industry policies .

  6. 产业组织的网络范式及实证分析

    Network Paradigm of Industrial Organization with Reference to a Case

  7. 20世纪70年代,由于自身的理论缺陷,传统产业组织理论及SCP范式逐渐衰落,新产业组织理论逐渐兴起。

    The traditional industrial organization ( TIO ) was declined for its own limitation of theory in 1970s .

  8. 结构-行为-绩效(structure-conduct-performance简称SCP)范式是传统产业组织理论的基本范式。

    The structure-conduct-performance model is the basic model of the traditional industrial organization theory .

  9. BCP范式是对经典的产业组织分析方法SCP范式的运用和拓展。

    That paradigm is the utilization and extension of SCP , which is the classic paradigm in industrial organization .

  10. 根据产业组织分析框架SCP范式,市场结构会影响市场上企业的行为,并进而影响市场运行效率。

    According to industrial organization structure framework , " SCP paradigm ", market structure will influence on the enterprises ' behavior and market operation efficiency .

  11. 根据产业组织理论的SCP范式,外在环境及其公司的定位将是决定战略和绩效的关键因素。

    According to the SCP paradigm in Industry Organization ( IO ) theory , the external environment and its ' fit ' will be the key factor on determining the strategy and performance .

  12. 不同领域的学者对此解释不同,比较有影响的解释有产业组织理论的SCP范式、企业战略管理的RBV理论。

    Scholars in different field have been divergent on the exposition of this phenomenon , among which SCP paradigm in industrial organization theory and RBV theory in business strategic management are more influential .

  13. 第三,构造了一个基于SCP分析与新制度分析相结合的农业产业组织绩效的研究范式。

    The researching categories are different from those of the former literature . Thirdly , this dissertation has structured the researching model of agricultural industrial organizational performance , which is based on the combination of Structure-Conduct-Performance analysis and new institutional analysis .

  14. 通过运用产业组织理论中S-C-P范式,列举了部分近年来的数据,对中国目前的足球产业发展作出相关经济分析,并提出相关的政策建议。

    The paper employs the model of S-C-P according to the theory of industry structure , provides the statistics in recent years , makes relevant economic analysis of the Chinese football industry and puts forward some strategic suggestions .

  15. 西方产业组织理论及其研究范式的演进

    On Organization Theory of Western Industry and its Development of Research Paradigm

  16. 产业组织研究的网络范式表明:企业之间的相互关系要对产业的发展产生深远的影响,一个完善的网络体系有利于产业竞争优势的发挥。

    The network paradigm of industrial organization shows that the linkage among the companies has played an important role during the industrial development , and a well network system can do well to the industrial competitive advantages .

  17. 第三,对产业组织理论的经典范式&SCP框架及其四要素进行了介绍分析。(3)中国鸡产业组织问题研究的现实基础,即第三章。

    Thirdly , the typical paradigm of the theory of the industrial organization , i.e. SCP and its four elements , are introduced and analyzed . ( 3 ) Chapter Three discusses the practical foundation for research on organizational issues in the Chinese chicken industry .

  18. 产业集群作为一种有效的产业组织范式,越来越多地成为政府的政策工具。

    Industrial cluster , as an effective industrial organization paradigm , is increasingly becoming the policy-tool of governments .

  19. 界定工业旅游产业组织相关主体,运用产业组织经典SCP分析范式对我国工业旅游产业市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效进行分析。

    Here we define the main body of Tourism related industry organizations , uses SCP analysis the industry market structure , conduct and performance analysis .

  20. 通过对我国汽车产业的现状分析,利用产业组织理论的SCP范式对我国汽车产业的市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效进行深入剖析;

    By the analysis of the actuality of the auto industry , it expatiate the structure , conduct and performance of the market in use of the SCP pattern .

  21. 产业组织演进中的企业合作&兼论新经济条件下的产业组织合作范式

    Enterprise Cooperation in the Evolution of Industrial Organization & By on the Cooperation Frameworks under New Economy Conditions