
  1. 中药材产业现代化建设的GAP模式探讨

    Preliminary Studies on the Management Model of GAP in Development of Industry of Herb Planting

  2. 实行住宅产业现代化建设的理论思考&中国加入WTO房地产企业的对策和建议

    Theoretical Thinking of Modernizing Housing Industry & Countermeasures and Proposals to Real Estate Enterprises upon China 's WTO Entrance

  3. 将CIMS技术应用于住宅工程项目建设的全过程,形成一种基于现代信息技术的、融合现代管理技术、系统工程、动态联盟等先进思想的住宅开发模式,将促进住宅产业现代化;

    Modern dwelling house industry may become true by using CIMS technique in the whole procedure of construction .

  4. 曾在新加坡受过教育的金融分析师考沙尔·杜伽尔(KaushalDugar),在硅谷最大的风险投资企业之一,阿克塞尔合伙公司(AccelPartners)的支持下,正在通过在线销售茶叶的初创企业Teabox逐步让制茶产业现代化。

    With the backing of one of Silicon Valley 's biggest venture capital firms , Accel Partners , Kaushal Dugar , a Singapore-trained financial analyst , is among those slowly bringing the sector into the modern era via his online tea retailing start-up , Teabox .

  5. 住宅小区智能化是我国住宅产业现代化的未来路径选择

    Intelligence Residential Community is the Future Road of Housing Industry Modernization

  6. 上海召开住宅产业现代化推进工作大会

    Working Conference on Promoting Housing Industry Modernization Held in Shanghai

  7. 我国稻米产业现代化问题的探讨

    Discussion on Approaches to Modernization of Rice Industry in China

  8. 我国旅游产业现代化的路径设计

    Path Design of Modernization of Tourist Industry in Our Country

  9. 住宅产业现代化技术发展分析研究

    Analysis and Study on Technological Development of Housing Industry Modernization

  10. 工业固体废物资源化与住宅产业现代化

    Resource Application of Industrial Solid Wastes and Housing Industrial Modernization

  11. 发达国家住宅产业现代化及启示

    Modernization of Advanced Countries ' Industry and Its Inspiration

  12. 依托住宅产业现代化推进资源节约型住宅发展

    Boost Resource Saving Residence through Housing Industrialization & Modernization

  13. 浅论中医药产业现代化进程中的环境保护问题

    The research on the issues of Environmental Protection during Chinese Medicine Industry modernization

  14. 高新技术与我国的产业现代化发展

    High & New Technology and Industry Modernization in China

  15. 住宅产业现代化所面临的挑战

    Face up to the Challenges of Housing Industrial Modernization

  16. 论现代物流中心建设与房地产业现代化

    Modern distribution center construction and real estate industry modernization

  17. 发展知识经济,促进海洋产业现代化

    Develop knowledge economy to promote marine industries modernization

  18. 天津市住宅产业现代化发展规划

    Developing Planning of Residence Property Modernization in Tianjin

  19. 关于中国住宅产业现代化的几点思考

    On the Modernization of Housing Industry in China

  20. 林业产业现代化是我国林业产业重要的发展战略。

    Forestry industry 's modernization is the important development strategy of Chinese forestry industry .

  21. 完善住宅产业现代化推进机制

    Improve the Housing Industry Modernization Promoting Mechanism

  22. 开拓创新,实施国家康居示范工程,促进住宅产业现代化

    Implement State Housing Pilot Project in Pioneering and Innovatory Spirit to Promote Housing Industry Modernization

  23. 抓住基本问题加快推进住宅产业现代化;

    Grasp the basic problems , speed up to promote the modernization of housing industry ;

  24. 积极推进上海住宅产业现代化

    Propel the Modernization of Shanghai Housing Industry

  25. 关于21世纪中药产业现代化的思考&机遇与挑战

    Speculations on Modernization of Industry of Chinese Materia Medica of 21st Century - Opportunities and Challenges

  26. 住宅全装修是住宅产业现代化推进的重要切入点

    The Full Decoration of Housing Is the Key Short-cut Point to Promote the Housing Industry Modernization

  27. 住宅产业现代化与钢结构住宅

    Housing Industrial Modernization and Steel House

  28. 为农村产权改革与实现农业产业现代化调配资源。

    The rural private finance will help deploy the resources for rural reformation and modernization of agriculture .

  29. 加强再生资源管理促进再生资源产业现代化

    Strengthening the Management of the Regenerated Resources , Promoting the Modernization of the Industry of Regenerated Resources

  30. 发酵过程计算机控制是生物工程产业现代化的主要手段,对于降低生产成本、提高生产效率和产品质量有重要作用。

    Computer control of fermentation process has significance in reducing operating costs , improving efficiency and product quality .