
  1. 产业经济系统与产业分类的(f,θ,D)相对性准则

    Industrial-Economic Systems and ( f , θ, D ) Relative Criterion for Industrial Classification

  2. 江苏省信息产业经济系统动态仿真研究

    Dynamic Simulation Study of Jiangsu Province Economic Information Industry System

  3. 因此,该线性系统可以模拟产业经济系统在短期内的运行状态。

    Therefore , the linear system can be used to simulate the running status of industrial economical system in short-term .

  4. 产业经济系统的发展是经济发展的重要支撑,区域产业经济系统的发展和演变直接关系到区域经济的健康发展。

    The development of the industrial economic system is the important support of the economic development , and the evolution of regional industrial economic system development is directly related to the healthy development of the regional economy .

  5. 通过对模型的分析讨论,说明了在竞争与协作条件下产业经济系统结构的演化是一种自组织过程,是原有结构失稳和新的有序结构建立的过程。

    By discussing the models , we argued that the structural evolution of industrial economic systems under competitive and cooperative situations is a self-organization course , is the processes of the old structure de-stabilization and the new ordered structure constitution .

  6. 该状态反馈控制问题的分析思路是:利用局部线性化,将非线性三次产业经济系统进行线性化后得到一个线性系统,该线性系统可以描述非线性系统在短期内的经济行为。

    The analysis on the non-linear three industries economical system is elaborated as following : Used partial linearization , the nonlinear three industrial economic system can be changed into a linear system . This linear system manifest the economic activities of nonlinear system in short-term .

  7. 非线性产业或经济系统的演化(创新)分析

    Analysis on the Non-linear Industrial or Economic System

  8. 房地产业作为经济系统的一部分,其发展能够直接或间接地影响国民经济和关联产业的发展。

    The development of real estate has a direct and indirect influence on national economy and correlative industry , as a part of the economic system .

  9. 组成煤炭生态经济系统的三个子系统具有相互依存、相互制约的作用。同时,煤炭产业生态经济系统具有开放性、明显的空间组合性、明显的时间组合性以及动态演替性等特点。

    The three subsystems is interdependence and mutual restriction ; At the same time , the ecological economic system of the coal industry has the openness , obvious space combination , time combination and dynamic succession characteristics .

  10. 对软件和软件产业经济属性的系统论述。

    A systematic discuss on the economics characteristics of software and software industry .

  11. 双辊薄带连铸装置产业化技术经济系统评价

    Systematic Evaluation for the Technical Economics of 10t Double-Roll Strip Continuous Caster Industrialization

  12. 科技经济范式是指一定的科学发展水平下,科技体系通过主导产业影响整个经济系统的一种作用方式。

    Science and technologic-economic paradigm is defined as the fact that science effects all the system of economic through the leading industry .

  13. 高技术产业具有技术经济系统性,科技、生产、市场的网络互动性,高风险、高回报、高成长性,对金融工具需求的多样性等特性。

    High-tech industry is characterized with systematic nature of technology industry , with the network interplay among technology , production and market , with great risk , high profit and rapid growth and with diverse demands for financial tools .

  14. 体育产业作为国民经济系统中极具关联效应和巨大发展潜力的新兴产业,它的可持续发展,对于促进整个经济社会系统的全面发展具有重大意义。

    Sports industry , as a new industry with highly correlation effects and great potential in national economy system , whose sustainable development is of great significance for promoting the comprehensive development of the whole economic and social system .

  15. 同时,运用协同学和耗散结构理论对二者协调发展机理进行深入探究,指出协同效应是物流产业与区域经济系统协调发展的内在动因,负熵流入是二者协调发展的外部条件。

    In this dissertation , Synergetic and Dissipative Structure Theory are used to analyze the coordinated development mechanism . Results show synergetic effect is the inner motivation of logistics industry-regional economy coordinated development and negative entropy flows are the external conditions .

  16. 区域物流能力与产业经济的灰色控制系统

    Grey Control System of Regional Logistics Capability and Industrial Economy

  17. 煤炭工业产业及相关产业经济系统数量分析

    Quantitative Analysis on Economic System of Coal Industrial Estate and Its Related Industry

  18. 在系统总结广东产业集群经济及其物流系统发展概况的基础上,指出广东产业集群发展面临的挑战。

    The challenge that industrial clusters are facing is put forward on the basis of the survey on the development of industrial clusters and logistics .

  19. 体育是人类抗发展危机的重要手段,体育产业是可持续发展经济系统的新经济增长点。

    Sport is the main way of man 's fighting against development crisis . Sport industry is an increasing point of new economy in the sustainable development economic system .

  20. 本文对信息产业的范围进行了界定,详细研究了信息产业经济系统在社会经济系统中的地位,并且分析了信息产业经济子系统与其他社会经济子系统之间的关系。

    In this article , we plot the range of information industry , embedded research it 's status in the socio-economic system , and analyze the relationship between information industry economic subsystem and other socio-economic subsystem .

  21. 产业系统演化过程的外在表现即为产业经济现象,产业系统的开放性、非平衡、非线性是产业经济现象复杂性与多样性产生的源泉。

    The external performance of the industrial system evolution process is namely the industry economic phenomena , and the openness , the non - balance and the non-linearity of the industrial system is the fountain from which the complexity and the multiplicity of industry economic phenomena derives .

  22. 利用好高新技术产业技术创新扩散的溢出效应,可以进一步增强高新技术产业对经济系统的影响力,避免重复研发,快速提高生产效率,为我国实现跨越式发展赢得时间。

    Making good use of spillover effects of high-tech industry technology innovation diffusion can further enhance the high-tech industry influence on economic system , avoid duplicate research and development , increase production efficiency rapidly and gain time to realize span type development in our country .

  23. 首先,对江苏省三次产业进行因果关系的流程分析,建立系统动力学模型并测定模型所需要的各种参数;其次,分析和预测三次产业经济系统的运行状态。

    The system dynamics model of the three industrial economic sections of Jiangsu Province is established and the parameters for this model are surveyed ; next , the running states of the given model are analyzed and forecasted .

  24. 高技术产业生态位代表着高技术产业拥有、控制资源状况以及对外界环境的适应能力,生态位的高低决定了高技术产业在区域经济系统中获取优势资源要素能力的大小。

    The niche of high-tech industry represents the controlling resources and adaptive ability of high-tech industry . The level of niche determines the capability of high-tech industry accessing to the superiority resources in the regional economic system .