
  • 网络product gene
  1. 产品基因(ProductGene,PG)是参照生物基因提出的关于机械产品遗传信息的概念,产品基因工程是生物基因工程思想在机械领域的应用。

    Product gene is a concept concerning the inheritance information of mechanical product with the reference of biological gene , and the engineering of product gene is the application of thoughts of biological gene engineering in the mechanical domain .

  2. 产品基因逆向求解主要功能包括STEP信息转换、ACIS产品建模、概念结构创成、设计过程重构和产品基因表达。

    The main functions of reverse acquisition for product gene include STEP information transformation , ACIS based product modeling , conceptual structure generation , design process reconstitution and product gene expression .

  3. 该系统是在ACIS几何建模平台上采用面向对象技术开发的,包括产品基因逆向求解、产品基因进化、设计方案创成、基因库管理和系统管理等功能模块。

    The system was developed using object-oriented method and based on ACIS geometrical modeling platform . The main system functions include reverse acquisition of product gene , evolution of product gene , design scheme generation , product gene management and system management .

  4. 本文把功能表面作为产品基因的碱基,参照生物基因的Chargaff法则,以广义定位原理为指导,提出产品基因碱基组成法则。

    Function Surface is used as Product Gene Base in this paper . Referring genome Chargaff Rules , based on the Generalized Positioning principle , the Product Base Composition Rule is proposed .

  5. 基于产品基因的岸边集装箱起重机大车行走机构设计

    Design on drive mechanics of gantry crane based on product gene

  6. 基于产品基因分解重构的生长型设计

    Incremental Growth Design Based on Decomposition and Reconstitution of Product Gene

  7. 基于产品基因的概念结构生长型设计研究

    Research on Product Gene - based Conceptual Structure Growth Design

  8. 进而,提出了产品基因工程的理论框架。

    Then , the theoretical framework of Product Lifecycle Genetic Engineering is introduced .

  9. 基于功能表面的产品基因形式化表达

    Formalization of Product Gene Based on Functional Surface

  10. 产品基因是决定产品性状的基本信息单位。

    Product gene is the basic information unit that decides product characteristics and forms .

  11. 支持变型设计的产品基因模型建模方法研究

    Research on Product Gene Modeling for Variant Design

  12. 产品基因研究综述

    Summary of the study on product gene

  13. 基于产品基因的能量转换产品的原理方案设计。

    Secondly , a product gene based approach is proposed for principle conceptual design of energy transforming products .

  14. 最后将基于产品基因的遗传、变异与基因重组的设计方法应用于产品方案设计中。

    Finally , gene-based products of genetic variation and gene products re-design method is applied to the program design .

  15. 从而,以零件基因为基础建立产品基因。

    According to the product design process which is reconstructed , Product Gene can be build based on Part Gene .

  16. 给出了产品基因面向对象定义,描述了产品基因的变长度编码体系。

    The object-oriented definition of product gene was given and the coding scheme with varied length for product gene was describe .

  17. 认为产品基因是产品生命周期信息的有机集合,产品基因规定了产品的基本功能、结构特征以及产品自动生成机制。

    Product Gene is an organic gather of product lifecycle information , describes the basic function , the structural characteristics and automatically growth mechanism .

  18. 带有完整2μ质粒序列的酿酒酵母附加体型载体已被用于多种医药产品基因工程表达载体的构建。

    Yeast episomal plasmids containing complete sequence of 2 μ, plasmid are now widely used in the expression vector construction of many genetic engineering drugs .

  19. 提出通过分类定性各类产品基因元素与流行趋势元素,实现品牌服装概念原型的快速数据配置的方法。

    The rapid assembling of branded apparel conceptual prototype can be implemented through classifying and defining product gene elements and fashion trend elements , the implement .

  20. 获取信息组合优良的产品基因并建立产品基因库是通过基因进化生成新产品的前提和基础。

    The prerequisite and basis to generate new product through gene evolution were to acquire product gene with excellent information composition and establish product gene database .

  21. 产品基因的表达技术,是将产品遗传信息体现在产品的结构设计中,从而决定产品的功能特性和结构特点,本文将产品基因的表达过程分为产品基因的转录过程和翻译过程。

    PGs expression is to reflect the genetic information of products in process of structural design . Thus PGs can determine function and structure characteristic of products .

  22. 产品基因模型是产品基因理论研究的主要内容,它是对产品基因的一种描述方式,反映产品基因的构成及各种产品信息之间的关系。

    Product Genetic Model is the main content of Product Genetic Theory . It describes the composition of Product Gene and the relationship among various products information .

  23. 采用功能表面作为物理载体,在更深的层次上实现功能到结构的信息传递,提出了产品基因的形式化表达方法和产品基因进化策略。

    The formalization method and evolutionary policy for product gene were proposed using functional surface as the medium to transfer information from function to form in deeper level .

  24. 在基础理论方面,从创新设计的角度出发,依据分解重构理论和生物基因工程,提出了机械产品基因工程设计理论。

    From the angle of design innovation , the paper has established the design theory based on PGE according to R & D ( Decomposition and Reconstitution ) theory and biological genetic engineering principle .

  25. 基于产品基因的壁行式悬臂起重机变型设计系统,初步实现了产品的自动化设计,提高了设计效率,满足了多样化的市场需求,缩短了设计周期,降低了企业成本。

    It achieves automation of products design in certain degree . The system improves the design efficiency , satisfies the varying market needs , shortens the design cycle greatly and decreases the cost for the corporation .

  26. 分析了产品基因的基本特征,认为产品基因具有遗传性、变异性和自组织性与自适应性等特点,产品基因的这些性质使得基于产品基因的产品创新设计和设计自动化成为可能。

    The features of Product Gene such as hereditary , variability , self-organization and adaptability are analyzed . It is possible to achieve product design automation and innovation by using Product Gene based on the above features .

  27. 另外,通过对产品基因的管理,实现生产资源的优化和产品基因的进化,进而使产品平台得到加强和改善,更能满足市场与客户不断变换的需求。

    In addition , production resources optimization and Product Gene evolution are achieved through the management and evaluation of Product Gene . Then the Product Platform is strengthened and improved to meet the constantly changing requirements of customers and market .

  28. 产品基因作为产品中所包含信息的集合,信息的抽象性使产品基因缺乏实际的可操作性,所以需要建立一个能够准确对产品信息进行描述,又可以进行实际操作、应用的产品基因模型。

    As the integration of information contained in product , Product Gene is so abstract that it is difficult to operate in application . So , it is necessary to establish a suitable model for the precise description and the practical application of product information .

  29. 一种硬币分离装置的原理方案设计实例表明:基于产品基因的原理方案设计方法能帮助设计师在更广阔的解域内找到更多可行的原理解,从而提高了计算机辅助概念设计系统的求解能力。

    The principle conceptual design of a coins-assorting device demonstrates that the product gene based approach to principle conceptual design can assist designers in retrieving more feasible principle solutions in a wider solution space , which can therefore improve the problem-solving ability of CACD systems .

  30. 借鉴生物基因工程的思想,类比生物基因,提出了产品基因的概念,建立了产品基因模型,来表达概念设计过程中涉及的复杂的异构设计知识。

    To express the complex and heterogeneous design knowledge concerned in the conceptual design process , the concept of product gene was proposed and the product gene model was created and the by using the thinking of genetic engineering and referring to the biological gene .