
  1. 该QCU没有拒绝失败的药物产品批次。

    The QCU did not reject failing batches of drug product .

  2. 按杜邦系统保持产品批次。

    Maintaining the production batches in DuPont system ;

  3. 所有被污染产品批次的源头均为中国的两家公司。

    All the contaminated batches were traced back to the two companies in China .

  4. 另外,也无法确保染上的黄色以及橙色斑点在这些产品批次有效期内对产品没有影响。

    Furthermore , there is no assurance that the presence of the yellow coloration and orange spots would not affect the lots throughout their expiration dating period .

  5. 关注服装行业中流行服装产品分批次进行打折销售问题的研究甚少。

    Research on batch-wise price discount sales of fashion apparel is rare .

  6. 调查应延伸至与此超标或偏差相关的同产品其他批次及其他产品。

    The investigation shall extend to other batches of the same drug product and other drug products that may have been associated with the specific failure or discrepancy .

  7. 自2001-2003年,现场共截留入境植物及其产品1686批次,计2097.54kg;截留入境动物及其产品744批次,计466.71kg。

    From year 2001 to 2003 , 1 686 lots , altogether 2 097.54 KG of plants and plant products , 744 lots , altogether 466.71 KG animal and animal products have been intercepted .

  8. 缺陷汽车产品召回的批次性质量追溯方法

    Quality Tracing for the Recall of Defective Automotive Products Based on Lot Management

  9. 通过统一标识和适当记录登记跟踪产品或产品批次。

    Trace products or product batches by means of unique identifiers and suitable record keeping .

  10. 这一评估结果突出了这样的必要性,就是制造商要有产品开发和批次放行的适当参考材料。

    The results highlight the need for manufacturers to have adequate reference materials for product development and lot-release .

  11. 在每个订购周期内,产品分多批次配送至分销商处,模型确定了每次配送的产品数量以及每个生产周期内的配送次数,从而使供应链的总成本最小。

    In each ordering cycle , the product is delivered to the distributor by multi-batch . The model gives out the delivery quantity of each time and the delivery times in each production cycle so as to minimize the total costs of supply chain .

  12. 确认可疑产品的品种、批次、数量;

    Confirm the variety , batch and quantity of the suspected products ;

  13. 分析了产品及其组成零部件批次的形成过程,提出了基于产品批次清单的产品质量追溯原理。

    On the base of the analysis of the formation of the batch of the product and its component parts , the produce batch list based quality tracing method was put forward .

  14. 现行工业产品质量指数因直接相加产品抽查批次、没有考虑产品市场占有率、且不具抽样随机性原则而有失科学性。

    The present industry product quality index is unscientific because of its direct adding of products sample , without the consideration of the rate of its occupation in the market , etc.