
  • 网络creation operator
  1. 因此,单模光场与此介质相互作用的哈密顿量正比于光场的湮灭算符与产生算符和的四次方。

    Therefore interaction Hamitonian of the single mode light field with the medium is proportional to the fourth power of the annihilation operator plus creation operator .

  2. 然后,我们采用和量子场论相类似的产生算符和消灭算符来描述湍流涡旋系统所处的状态。

    Then , the creation operator and annihilation operator similar to those in the quantum field theory are used to describe the state of turbulent eddy field .

  3. 谐振子产生算符和湮没算符的逆算符

    Inverse of creation and annihilation operators for a harmonic oscillator

  4. 用几何方法表示产生算符与消没算符

    Geometrical Representation of the Creation and Annihilation operator

  5. 本文主要是在粒子数表象中,以粒子的产生算符和消灭算符作为基本力学量,对相干态的性质及运用分别作出了证明和解释,并举例分析了相干态的应用。

    In this paper we studied the formula , the property and the application of coherent state respectively by creation - annihilation operators of occupation representation .

  6. 我们在含时动力学不变量理论的框架内引入了含时谐振子系统的玻色湮灭算符a(t)和产生算符a+(t)。

    In the framework of dynamical invariant theory , we introduce the annihilation operator a ( t ) and creation operator d + ( t ) for a time-dependent harmonic oscillator .

  7. 利用玻色湮没算符的逆算符-a∧1及玻色产生算符a∧+分别作用于压缩真空态来构造增光子压缩真空态,并对它们的压缩特性进行了讨论。

    Photon-added squeezed vacuum states were fabricated by act inverse operator of Boson annihilation operator ~ ( - 1 ) and Boson creation operator ~ + on the squeezed vacuum states first .

  8. 利用玻色产生算符的逆算符及玻色湮没算符作用于压缩真空态来构造减光子压缩真空态,并通过计算减光子压缩真空态的二阶关联函数来讨论它们的光子反群聚性质。

    Applying the inverse operator of the Boson creation operator and the Boson annihilation operator to the usual squeezed vacuum state , deplete squeezed vaccum states are fabricated and their anti-bunching properties of photons are studied by calculating their corresponding second-order correlation functions , respectively .

  9. 讨论了应当研究的问题,指出了在量子力学方法基础上产生的超算符方法的李代数结构。

    For the aim , we have tackled the concerned problems . Finally , we represent Lie algebra structure of hyperoperator method , which is developed on the basis of quantum mechanics .