
  • 网络quantum leap;quantum jump
  1. 我们的计画就是这唯一的方法,恢复人们的信念,展现出朝向前方的量子跳跃是可能的。

    Our plan is the only one that will restore people 's faith and show that a quantum leap forward is possible .

  2. 只要你们达到这个量子跳跃的点,我们经常提及的就都会发生,你将再次成为自我主宰的存有,那个真实的你。

    By the time you reach that point the quantum leap we often refer to will have taken place , and you will be once more the sovereign Beings that you really are .

  3. 那表示出一个量子跳跃的巨变,随着你们基于碳基身体的转变,进入到全新的水晶体结构。

    That represents a great leap forward from where you are now , and comes with the change in your carbon based physical bodies , to ones that are crystalline .

  4. 我们多次地告诉过你,当权力之爱被爱的力量所取代时,你会创造出量子、水晶跳跃。

    We have told you many times that when the Love of Power is replaced by the Power of Love , you will make a quantum , crystalline leap .

  5. 我们不但实验观测到宏观量子系统中的量子跳跃,还可以利用量子跳跃现象来研究固体中普遍存在的两能级系统及其引起的超导量子比特中的退相干。

    In addition , quantum jumps can serve as a useful tool to investigate the properties of the two-level systems that are ubiquitous in solid-state systems .