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  1. 在战场上,亲卫骑兵是令人生畏的重装骑兵。

    On the battlefield they fight as effective heavy cavalry .

  2. 亲卫骑士身穿板甲,手持骑枪和长剑,是誓死捍卫公爵荣誉的精锐骑士。

    Armoured in plate and wielding lances , these elite knights defend the Duke 's honour .

  3. 不列颠亲卫骑兵是精锐的重骑兵部队,他们锋利的军刀令敌人闻风丧胆。

    Horse Guards are an elite heavy cavalry unit , with a fierce reputation and deadly sabres .

  4. 男爵亲卫骑兵是忠诚的贵族卫队,装备板甲和骑枪。

    Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty .

  5. 亲卫骑兵自维京时代即始存在,其渊源至今从他们手挥战斧中尚可窥一斑。

    Druzhinas are a left over from Viking times , and their ancestry is evident in the wicked axes they carry .

  6. 德沃亲卫骑兵为当地王子或高阶贵族效力,跻身最为出色的弓骑兵。

    In the service of the local Prince or high status Boyar , Dvors are amongst the best missile cavalry available .