
  • 网络everybody love raymond
  1. 情景喜剧《人人都爱雷蒙德》以其独特、丰富的幽默形式在美国及中国广受欢迎,然而迄今为止尚未被任何已经确立的语言理论所研究。

    The situation comedy Everybody Loves Raymond enjoys great popularity for its unique and rich humor in the United States as well as China , but it has not been accounted for any established linguistic theories .

  2. 采取定性的研究方法,以美国情景喜剧《人人都爱雷蒙德》中的言语幽默为语料分析关联理论对幽默的解释力,研究重点是观众如何在欣赏幽默时了解对幽默语言的心理推理过程。

    It has taken the qualitative method of research to carry out the study with the corpus in the American sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond . The main emphasis of the research is how to understand the mental process of interpreting verbal humor in the appreciation of humor .

  3. 美国情景喜剧历史上有很多非常优秀的作品,例如早期的《老友记》,近期的《人人都爱雷蒙德》,以及仍然在更新中,很受观众追捧的《生活大爆炸》。

    In the history of American sitcom , there are many excellent works , such as Friends , Everyone loves Raymond , and the renewing The Big Bang Theory .