
  • 网络Humanities School;humanist schools
  1. 从工具主义到人文关怀:学校体育教学的范式转变&自组织的学校体育教学展望

    From Instrumentalism to Humanism : The Conversion of Teaching Pattern in School Sports

  2. 人文精神:学校教育的现代追求

    Humanistic Spirits : A Modern Pursuit of School Education

  3. 论人文精神与学校教育的价值取向

    On Humanistic Spirits and Valuation Orientation of School Education

  4. 人文教育在学校学科教学中的重要作用;

    Human education plays an important part in the middle school 's subjects teaching .

  5. 面对中西部学校教育的现状,尝试用人文精神建设学校,注重对教育主体的人文教育,是建立社会主义和谐社会的需要。

    It is necessary for building a socialism harmonious society to pay more attention to culturing humanistic spirit in school construction .

  6. 校园的自然环境、人文环境、学校规章制度、文化活动及校风等校园文化内容具有独特的美育功能。

    The content of campus culture , which includes a college 's natural environment , humanistic environment , regulations , cultural activities , campus spirit , etc , has the unique aesthetic function .

  7. 其中,校园软环境建设主要从营造人文环境、学校德育建设、图书馆的建设、校园网络文化建设、打造完整心理健康教育体系、校史文化建设这些方面去探索民办初中校园文化的建设。

    Analysis of the school culture focuses on providing a harmonious humanistic environment , the moral education , library and media centre and the campus intranet 's construction , mental health service system and study of school history etc.

  8. 传承独特人文&多元立体学校文化建设的思考和探索

    Heredity , Uniqueness and Humanity : Reflection and Exploration on Construction of Diversified School Culture

  9. 强调用整体的观点来把握德育,用整合的方法来实施课程,以实现课程的人文价值,提高学校德育的实效。

    From the holistic view , we can realize the social value of the curriculum and improve the effect of moral education by curriculums of integrative practical activities .

  10. 语文是小学的一门基础性学科,兼具工具性与人文性,在学校教育中占有非常重要的位置。

    Language is a basic subject in all subjects of elementary school , it is instrumental and humanism , it plays an active role in the school education .

  11. 采用文献研究法和行动研究法,对北京2008年奥运会提出的人文奥运理念在学校的推广进行了研究。

    Based on documents and action study , this paper has studied the idea of humanistic Olympics which was put forward in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games popularized at schools .

  12. 它是将现代设计观念与学校管理理论融合于一体,以刻画学校个性,突出人文精神,提升学校知名度和美誉度,提高学校竞争力为目的的一种具有校本内涵的学校文化发展战略。

    It is a strategy which mixes the ideas of modern design and managing theories , aiming at portraying the schools ' individual character , giving prominence to spirit . of humanism , promoting the popularity and competitiveness .