
  • 网络Body Worlds;The Human Body
  1. 《黄帝内经》的人体世界

    The World Of Human Body In Huangdi Infernal Medicine

  2. 他们追求和谐,并认为人体是世界上最和谐最美的形体。

    They pursued harmony and considered that human body was the most harmonious and beautiful shape in the world .

  3. 人类的大脑是一个既可以对人体内部世界,也可以对外部世界产生影响的器官。

    The brain is the only organ that exerts influence on the world outside your body as well as inside your body .

  4. 5月8日,147辆巴士带着客人从四或五星级酒店前往尼斯海滨大道,用人组成TIENS'DREAMISNICEINTHECOTED'AZUR(天狮梦想尼斯绽放),打破最长人体组词世界纪录。

    On Friday 147 buses took the group from their four or five-star hotels to the Promenade des Anglais in Nice , where they formed the words Tiens ' dream is Nice in the Cote d'Azur , in a record-breaking longest human-made phrase .

  5. 由于人们的器官捐献意识不高,各种相关制度不健全等原因,可用于移植的人体器官在世界范围内长期处于供不应求的状态,这使得人体器官变得极具商业价值。

    Due to low awareness of donation and the imperfection of the relevant system , the human organs for transplantation is on the shortage worldwide .

  6. 再次,身体与世界的一体同气关系,使理解人体成为理解世界的便捷方式,也使以身体为范式重构美的自然和艺术成为可能。

    Third , the unity between body and the world makes the understanding of body an easiest access to the world , and also makes possible the reconstruction of the natural beauty and art .

  7. 隐喻的本质是以人体对周围世界的感知,动觉,物理和社会经验等为物质基础,将一个概念(源域)投射到另一个概念域。

    The nature of metaphor is grounded on the material experiences of people 's perceptions , motors , physical and social experiences about the world and one concept ( a domain ) is mapped unto another concept domain .

  8. 为了有效控制烟草的流行,减少烟草对公共卫生环境的污染和人体危害,世界卫生组织制定并通过了《烟草控制框架公约》,我国政府签署并加入了该《公约》。

    In order to effectively control the epidemic of tobacco , tobacco reduction for public health environmental pollution and human harm , who has developed and adopted " the Framework Convention on tobacco control ", the Chinese government signed and joined the " Convention " .

  9. 5月8日,147辆巴士带着客人从四或五星级酒店前往尼斯海滨大道,用人组成TIENS'DREAMISNICEINTHECOTED'AZUR(天狮梦想尼斯绽放),打破“最长人体组词”世界纪录。

    On Friday 147 buses took the group from their four or five-star hotels to the Promenade des Anglais in Nice , where they formed the words " Tiens ' dream is Nice in the Cote d'Azur , " in a record-breaking " longest human-made phrase . "

  10. 对候选疫苗的人体测试也在世界范围内开始进行。

    Other human trials of possible vaccines are around the world .

  11. 一些道教徒相信灵魂遍布大自然(自然界和人体内的内部世界)。

    Some Taoists believed that spirits pervaded nature ( both the natural world and the internal world within the human body ) .

  12. 人体是人类感受世界的基础也是认知周围事物的起点。

    Human body is the basis for the perception of the world and also the starting point of our cognition to the surroundings .

  13. 为了防止粉尘对人体的危害,世界各国制定了愈来愈严格的控制标准,大力发展净化气体的除尘设备。

    In order to prevent the harm of dust to human body , the countries in worldwide have been making more and more strict dust control standards and putting more energy in developing dust - cleaning apparatus for air purification .