
rén mín yīnɡ xiónɡ yǒnɡ chuí bù xiǔ
  • The People's Heroes Are Immortal.;Eternal Life to the People's Heroes
  1. 人民英雄永垂不朽!

    Eternal glory to the people 's heroes !

  2. 人民英雄是永垂不朽的。

    The heroes of the people are immortal .

  3. 人民英雄的名字将永垂不朽。

    The fame of our people 's heroes will endure forever .

  4. 三十年以来,在人民解放战争和人民革命中牺牲的人民英雄们永垂不朽!

    Eternal glory to the heroes of the people who laid down their lives in the people 's war of liberation and the people 's revolution in the past thirty years !