
  • 网络Organ;human organ;body
  1. 核设施流出物照射人体器官的当量剂量和有效剂量的计算

    Organ equivalent dose and effective dose to human body irradiated by effluents of nuclear

  2. 特别是当射频线圈或者人体器官的尺寸接近射频波长后,就不再适用了。

    While the sized of RF coil or human body are similar with the wave length , this method is not adaptive any more .

  3. 在CT扫描图象上估计人体器官体积的体视学方法

    A stereological method to estimate the volume of human organ on CT scan

  4. 从CT体数据场提取人体器官的方法

    Human Organ Extraction Method from CT Volumetric Data

  5. 基于MRI数据的人体器官三维重建

    Three-dimensional reconstruction of human organs based on magnetic resonance imaging data

  6. 他指出,3D打印人体器官并非不可能,但原材料方面有一些难点。

    It 's not impossible to 3D-print an organ , he said , but there are challenges around raw materials .

  7. 因此,从CT断而图象重建人体器官的三维形状成为计算机图象处理领域的十分有意义的课题。

    Therefore , how to reconstruct 3-D shape of human organs from CT images is a very significant topic in computer image treatment field .

  8. ICP-MS法测定人体器官中Cs,Th和U的分布

    Determination of Trace Cs , Th and U in Ten Kinds of Human Autopsy Tissues by ICP-MS

  9. ADR涉及人体器官10个,其中皮肤黏膜损害330例,占8571%。

    ADR involved in 10 organs / systems . 330 cases involved in damage of skin mucous membrane ( 85.71 % ) .

  10. 煤燃烧或干馏产生的颗粒物中PAHs对环境的影响是多方面的:一是可吸入颗粒物直接进入人体器官,通过淋滤出颗粒物中PAHs而危害人体健康;

    There are many aspects for the influence of PAHs in the suspended PM from the coal combustion or the coal carbonization on circumstance .

  11. “人体器官不是备用零件,”世卫组织主管卫生技术和药物助理总干事HowardZucker博士说。

    " Human organs are not spare parts ," said Dr Howard Zucker , WHO Assistant Director-General of Health Technology and Pharmaceuticals .

  12. CT图像处理与三维重建技术的发展,可以方便地获得具有复杂外形的人体器官精确的三维数据模型,同时,快速成型技术可以根据三维CAD模型快速制作形状非常复杂、精度很高的原型。

    The development of CT image processing and rebuilding technology of three dimension tissue model make it easy to get the accurate human tissue model with complex contour , at one time , RP technology can manufacture complex prototype with high precision based on three dimension CAD model .

  13. 笔者结合自己研究的课题,针对目标标记步骤中聚类种子F和色彩值的k-means算法进行改进,并把改进算法应用到人体器官切片目标分割中。

    The author uses one 's own subject for research , applies this kind of algorithm to the human organ segmentation and improves in the k-means method by which the colors in seeds F and β are clustered in object marking .

  14. 今年夏初,在布鲁克林的北边艺术节(NorthsideFestival)上,我询问他关于3D打印器官的问题,他回答说,直到自动驾驶汽车上市,3D打印人体器官才会成为现实。

    When I asked him about 3D-printed organs earlier this summer at the Northside Festival , a conference in Brooklyn , he told me that 3D-printed body parts won 't become a reality until autonomous vehicles arrive to market .

  15. 由东京理科大学科学技术研究所TakashiTsuji领导的小组希望这项技术可以用于人体器官的生长。

    Led by Takashi Tsuji of the Research Institute of Science and Technology at the Tokyo University of Science , the team hopes this technology can be used to grow human organs .

  16. 一位吉尼斯纪录组织代表Dunn表示说,当天下午3点10分,这些志愿者打破了世界纪录,超越了2月22日在印度Haryana的Haryana由982人组成的“最大的人体器官图”纪录。

    A representative for Guinness , named only as " Dunn " in reports , announced the new record at around 3:10 pm , breaking the previous record for " Largest human image of an organ " set by 982 people in Gurgaon , Haryana , India , on February 22 .

  17. 我国人体器官移植立法之思考

    An Anatomy of the Legislation in Our Transplanting of Human Organs

  18. 在性质上,人体器官是一种准物。

    Human organ is a semi - object in its essence .

  19. 那是人能够钻研的最小的人体器官。

    That 's the smallest body part you can major in .

  20. 四个重要的人体器官在每一个季节都需要特殊的能量补充。

    The four important bodily organs need special energy in each season .

  21. 人体器官与组织移植的法律研究

    Legal Research on the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissue

  22. 然而互联网的广泛应用激起了人们对贪婪的网上人体器官秘密交易的强烈恐惧。

    But the Internet stirs up fears of a greedy organ underground .

  23. 一种基于人体器官相似性的医学图像编码方案

    A medical image coding scheme based on the similarity among human organs

  24. 维持生命必不可少的各种人体器官的搏动。

    The pulsation in every human organ necessary to life .

  25. 有关医用橡胶器械和人体器官设计的研究。

    The medical rubber apparatus and body organ design .

  26. 人体器官的计算机三维重建及显示

    3-D computer reconstruction and display of the human organs

  27. 加强行业管理规范人体器官移植技术

    Improving Professional Management , Standardizing Human Organ Transplant Activities

  28. 蒙古语人体器官概念隐喻的认知分析

    Analysis of the Metaphorical Usage of Mongolian Body Language

  29. 前言:在性质上,人体器官是一种“准物”。

    Human organ is a semi-object in its essence .

  30. 第二部分是对人体器官法律性质的概述。

    The second part is the summarize of law character of human organs .