
rén tǐ mó xínɡ
  • manikin;mannequin;dummy;anthropomorphous phantom
  1. 用于车身设计的H点人体模型是车身总布置设计的工具之一。

    The H-point manikin is one of tools for body layout design .

  2. CatiaV5以数字人体模型为基础,为设计师直接提供了一个进行人机产品设计的工作平台。

    CATIA V5 provides designers of workspaces based on the digital manikin for ergonomics design .

  3. 面向服装CAD的多因素驱动人体模型变形技术研究

    Research on Multi-factor Driven Human Models Deformation Technology in Garment CAD

  4. H点人体模型在汽车设计中的应用十分广泛。

    H-point Mannequin Model is an important basis of the design of automobiles .

  5. 体内微型装置计算机辅助定位系统中简易3D人体模型的实现

    Simple three-dimensional human body model for the computer-assisted location system of the micro device inside the human body

  6. Dirichlet自由变形方法及其在建立尺寸驱动人体模型中的应用

    Dirichlet Free-Form Deformations and Their Application to Dimension Driven Body Model

  7. 本文采用多体系统动力学中的R-W方法建立了用于模拟汽车碰撞过程中乘员运动学和动力学响应的三维人体模型;

    A 3D occupant model for vehicle crash safety research is built by adopting the RW method of Multibody System Dynamics in this paper .

  8. 目前,在人体模型、人体信息的数字化领域,正在进行着或将要进行几个大规模的研究计划,如美国的可视人计划(VisibleHumanProject,VHP),虚拟人计划(VirtualHumanProject)等等。

    There are several research projects which are being carried out or will be carried out in this field , such as the visible human project ( VHP ) and the virtual human project .

  9. 基于Poser的一种三维人体模型参数化方法

    A Parametric Method of 3D Human Body Model Based on Poser

  10. 无论服装的网络虚拟试衣、电子化量身定制还是三维CAD系统,首先必须解决的是现有条件下快速、逼真地建立虚拟人体模型。

    No matter it is a virtual fitting , electronic web-based tailored clothing or a three-dimensional garment CAD system , we must first resolve quickly and more realistic to build virtual human model under current conditions .

  11. 建立人体模型,利用HSI颜色空间的色度信息实现了人体区域的分割。

    We found a human model and use chrominance information of HSI color space to achieve segmentation of human body region .

  12. 实验表明,该方案通过并行计算加快了三维人体模型生成引擎的三维人体模型的生成的速度,为基于Web的eMTM系统的更好应用提供了可能。

    Results show that the proposal with parallel computing accelerate the generating process of 3D mannequins and helps the application of Web-based eMTM system more effectively .

  13. 用LiF热释光片在水-有机玻璃人体模型中作沿着眼睛中心轴的深度剂量分布的实验测量结果表明,测量距离大于约5mm以后,计算值与实验值在误差范围内完全符合;

    The distribution of the absorbed dose rate along the eye axis had been measured using LiF TLD 's in water-organic glass phantom .

  14. 研究生雅拉·基达(Ya’araKeydar)是这场展览的组织者之一。她解释道,那是因为很难弄到肥胖的人体模型。

    Those are simply too hard to come by , as Ya'ara Keydar , a graduate student and an organizer of the show , explained .

  15. 三维试衣系统中的H-Anim格式人体模型构造

    Generating H-Anim Format Human Model in 3D Virtual Try on System

  16. 利用UG二次开发工具开发了汽车驾驶员驾驶姿势校核系统,最后给出了应用该系统和三维人体模型的一个实例。在此基础上,提出了驾驶姿势控制模型。

    As a result , the system of analyzing the pose of driver is established , and an analyzing example is shown . Then driving posture control model was put forward using for simulating the driving behavior in reality .

  17. 最后,本文以OpenGL为工具,在VC++6.0环境下开发了此跳板跳水仿真系统,实验结果表明该方法建立的人体模型视觉效果和运动实时性较好,对指导实践有较高的应用价值。

    At last , we design and develop the 3-dimensional simulation system of springboard diving with the tool , OpenGL . The result shows that the model has good vision effect and real-time nature and is very useful to practice .

  18. 提出了一种基于Poser人体模型库模型的人体曲面建模和模型局部尺寸调节的方法,并以此为基础开发出了一套基于模型的人体建模系统。

    An approach for human surface modeling and local size modification on generated model is proposed , which is based on the human body library of Poser .

  19. 在selfridges百货,穿着闪闪发光服装的男性和女性人体模型(去看看那些rupertsanderson的鞋吧)腾跃在雪景中,就像是时尚表演艺术家。

    At Selfridges , sparkle-clothed mannequins , both male and female ( check out those Rupert Sanderson shoes ! ) cavort in snowy scenes like high-fashion performance artists .

  20. 根据人体模型的动力特性表明,人体最大超调为50%,因而得到人体耐受弹射加速度值分别为12G、14G、17G以及相应的ΔV值。

    According to mathematic model , the maximum overshot was 50 , so the corresponding ejection acceleration G levels were 12 , 14 and 17G respectively .

  21. 例如,针对服装样板设计和服装款式设计这2个不同方面的需求,可以分别选用测量重建法和3DS导入法来建立人体模型。

    For example , according to the different aspects of fashion pattern design and fashion style design , the measuring reconstruction method and the imported 3DS method for a mannequin model can be separately took .

  22. 人体模型多通道电子语音解说系统的设计

    A kind of multi-channel electric phonetics system for human body model

  23. 中国人辐照仿真人体模型及人体器官数学模型

    China radiation anthropomorphic phantom and mathematical models of human body organs

  24. 数字运动员人体模型及其仿真研究

    Research on Human Body Model of Digital Sportsman and Its Simulation

  25. 运用人体模型系统研究区域发展战略

    A Study on the Regional Development Strategy with the Use of Manikin

  26. 多刚体人体模型及碰撞过程仿真

    A Rigid Multi-body Model and the Simulation on Impact Response

  27. 个性化三维人体模型快速建模方法

    An Efficient Method for Customizing Individual 3D Virtual Human Body

  28. 基于2003年标准数据的中国飞行员人体模型

    Manikin of Chinese Pilot Based on Human Dimensions in 2003

  29. 三层介质人体模型中电磁波传输的研究

    Research on electromagnetic waves ' transmit rule in the three media manikin

  30. 对一个元件使用人体模型静电放电的设备。

    Equipment that applies Human Body Model electrostatic discharges to a component .