
  • 网络vascular suture
  1. 经皮穿刺血管腔内血管成形术经皮血管缝合器的应用

    Application of percutaneous vascular suture device in interventional patients

  2. 目的评价Perclose血管缝合器在老年冠状动脉介入治疗患者中使用的安全性和可行性。

    Objective To assess the efficacy and safety of arterial closure devices ( Perclose ) in the elderly .

  3. 结论Perclose血管缝合器在老年患者介入治疗中使用有良好的可行性和安全性。

    Conclusion Arterial closure device ( Perclose ) is feasible and safe in old patients undergoing coronary angioplasty .

  4. 面向显微外科手术的虚拟血管缝合仿真系统的研究

    Study on the Virtual Reality System of Vessel Suture for Microsurgery

  5. 经皮血管缝合器的应用及其护理

    Application of Percutaneous Seaming of Arterial Puncture and Nursing Care

  6. 冠状动脉造影术后血管缝合器应用的临床评价

    A clinical evaluation of vessel suturing apparatus after coronary arteriography

  7. 上腔静脉侧壁部分切除血管缝合成形术2例。

    Partial SVC resection and angioplasty in 2 cases .

  8. 血管缝合器缝合股动脉的血管并发症及其处理

    The complication and management of suturing femoral arteries with suture mediated closure system

  9. 血管缝合器在经股动脉冠状动脉介入治疗后的临床应用

    Clinical use of a suture - mediated closure device after percutaneous coronary intervention

  10. 冠状动脉介入治疗术后床旁使用血管缝合器的护理

    Nursing beside the sickbed using the blood vessel suture instrument after coronary artery interventional therapy

  11. 结论血管缝合器用于冠心病介入术后病人安全有效。

    Conclusions Vascular seam is safe and effective for the patients with coronary heart disease after PCI .

  12. 血管缝合器与人工压迫止血对冠心病介入术后病人的影响

    Comparison study on hemostasis means of vascular seam and by-hand oppress in patients with coronary heart disease after percutaneous transluminal intervention

  13. 这名医生解释说,他可以将血管缝合到健康的肢体里,使肢体在数天之内因为坏疽而变黑。

    The doctor explains how he can stitch up blood vessels in a healthy limb , causing it to blacken with gangrene over a few days .

  14. 本文报告了用钛轮钉建立动静脉内瘘,治疗尿毒症病人7例,并与血管缝合组进行了比较。

    Seven cases of uremia with arterio-venous internal fistula by titanium nail for blood dialysis in comparison with eight cases of internal fistula by blood vessel anastomosis in this article .

  15. 通过碰撞检测与力反馈模型的设计,实现了生物血管缝合时形变的实时刷新和力信息的实时反馈。

    Through exactly designing of collision detect and force feedback model , consequently , we realize the real-time update of vision effect about suturing vessel , and the real-time force feedback .

  16. 这种大鼠肾移植模型在没有明显的血管缝合并发症或者其他技术失败的情况下,其移植两周后存活率很高(87%)。

    This model of rat kidney transplantation was associated with high survival rate ( 87 % ) 2 weeks post-transplant with no evidence of vascular anastomoses complications or other technical failures .

  17. 正确的供肝灌注、严密的腹腔止血、熟练的显微血管缝合技术、尽量缩短的无肝期、完善的术中补液纠酸及术后复温是保证手术成功的关键。

    Key factors for successful operation include right liver infusion methods , rigorous peritoneal hemostasis 、 skilled microvessel suture technique , shortened anhepatic time , improved fluid therapy , corrected acid and alkali balance during operation and rewarming after operation .

  18. 填塞止血,肝逢合、肝动脉结扎,清创性肝切除,大血管缝合修补选择应用可提高治疗效果。

    Stop up to stop bleeding , the liver meets to match the liver artery tubal ligation , pure create the liver cut off , the big blood vessel sews up to repair the choice application can improve the treatment .

  19. 结论血管缝合器由于缩短了止血时间及卧床制动时间,不仅能减少穿刺局部的出血和血肿,尚能改善病人的焦虑心理、舒适度及睡眠,减轻排尿困难等不适。

    Conclusion Blood vessel suture instrument can shorten the hemostasia time and the sickbed time , reduce the hemorrhage of puncture side and hematoma , improve the anxiety , comfort degree , sleeping , dysuria of patients after coronary intervention .

  20. 目的评估病人拔鞘管后应用经皮血管缝合器与人工压迫止血的安全性和疗效的比较。

    Objective To assess the safety and efficacy of suture-mediated closure device was compared with manual compression in patients after sheath removed , The major observation end points included the incidence of vascular complications and the time to ambulation after the procedures .

  21. 血管修补缝合术、血管端端吻合术是主要修复方法,血管缺损2cm以上者应行自体静脉移植术;

    The main renovations are repair and suture operation of blood vessel and end to end anastomosis , autotransplantation of venae should be adopted if the defects of blood vessels are over 2 cm .

  22. 方法我院1999年6月~2005年12月行LS32例,超声刀游离脾周韧带,血管切割缝合器离断脾蒂,脾脏装入塑料袋剪碎取出。

    Methods Laparoscopic splenectomy was performed in 32 cases from June 1999 to December 2005 in this hospital . The splenic ligaments were disconnected using a harmonic scalpel and the pedicle of spleen was cut using the Endo-GIA system .

  23. 血管自动缝合器;

    Blood vessel stitching instrument ;

  24. 结论经皮腔内冠状动脉介入治疗术中应用血管闭合器缝合止血,病人术侧肢体制动时间可缩短为4h。

    Conclusion The time of the operative limb at rest in the patients who use blood vessel suture instrument in percutaneous coronary interventions may be shortened to 4 hours .

  25. 台式手术显微镜主要用于在教学实验中的动物解剖、微细血管或神经的缝合。

    Major desktop operating microscope for the experiment in teaching anatomy of the animals and micro-vascular or nerve suture .

  26. 方法单人以显微外科技术,缝合血管应用一线环形缝合首尾打结法、为保护供心采用两步法切断升主动脉和肺动脉及妥善的心脏移植物保护措施。

    Methods On the base of microsurgery technique , one-thread round suturing way was used for the vessel sutures , and the aorta and the lung artery were dissected separately .

  27. 用可溶性血管内支架辅助小血管缝合的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Microvascular Anastomosis with Soluble Intravascular Stent

  28. 移植肝脏动脉重建采用单纯血管套入式吻合或血管缝合的方法,胆总管采用单管内支架胆管端端吻合法。

    The blood supply of hepatic artery of the recipient rat was reconstructed by a modified arterial " sleeve " anastomosis and the anastomosis of the common bile duct was performed with an internal stent .

  29. 小血管张力测量与小血管减张缝合技术研究

    Tensile strength measurement and relaxation suture of small blood vessels

  30. 目的探索采用钛轮钉进行动静脉血管吻合与显微外科进行动静脉血管缝合两种手术方法进行血管造瘘的临床效果。

    Objective To investigate the clinical effects of two methods of constructing radial artery-cephalic vein ( AV ) fistula .