
  • 网络seroepidemiology;Serological Epidemiology
  1. 对124例HC住院患者血清流行病学和临床特征进行分析,探讨天津地区HC的流行和发病特点及其意义。

    To analyse the seroepidemiology and clinical characters of 124 cases with hepatitis C in Tianjin area .

  2. 方法应用流行病学调查、血清流行病学、动物流行病学方法研究HFRS人间疫情、鼠间疫情,阐明流行特点和流行因素。

    Methods HFRS epidemic situation in human and animal was studied and prevalent characteristics and prevalent factors by epidemiology , seroepidemiology and animal epidemiology methods .

  3. 应用ELISA法检测人群中幽门螺杆菌抗体及血清流行病学分析

    Serum epidemiology analysis of Helicobacter pylori antibody using ELISA method

  4. 医护人员HBV、HCV感染的血清流行病学研究

    Seroepidemiological study on the HBV and HCV infection of health-care personnel

  5. HBV感染标志的血清流行病学研究及重组酵母乙肝疫苗成人近期免疫效果研究

    Serum Epidemiology of HBV Infection Marker and YDV Short-term Immunology Study in Adult

  6. 方法:采用血清流行病学方法,对127个家庭进行HP感染的血清学调查。

    Methods : Serological examination for HP infection was performed in 127 families .

  7. 贵州省黔西县彝族健康人群HBV感染血清流行病学调查

    A Seroepidemiological Investigation on HBV Infection among Healthy Population of Yi Minority in Qianxi County

  8. 西安地区Hp及cagA~+亚型Hp感染的血清流行病学研究

    Seroepidemiological study of Hp and CagA Hp infection

  9. 献血人群中HIV、HCV、HBV、梅毒感染血清流行病学调查及相关行为的研究

    A Sero-Epidemiological and Behaviour Factors Study of HIV , HCV , HBV and Syphilis Infection

  10. 不同人群戊型肝炎血清流行病学调查SAN保养液和灭活补体对血型血清学试验的影响

    Comparison the influence on the blood group serology assay of SAN preservative solution and heating deactivation complement

  11. 孕妇TORCH感染血清流行病学研究

    Seroepidemiological Study of TORCH Infections in Pregnant Women

  12. 本研究建立的间接ELISA方法适于大规模的PEC血清流行病学调查。

    The indirect ELISA is suitable for large-scale epidemiological investigation for PEC infection .

  13. 延边地区儿童EBV抗体血清流行病学研究

    Level of the Antibodies to EBV in Children in Yanbian , Jilin

  14. 武汉地区SEN病毒感染的血清流行病学调查

    Prevalence of SEN Virus Infection in Wuhan Area

  15. 用NDOBSA和PGLI作抗原的家庭接触者麻风血清流行病学研究

    A Seroepidemiological Study of Leprosy in the Household Contacts with ELISA Using ND-O-BSA and PGL as Antigens

  16. 福建省人微小病毒B19感染血清流行病学的研究

    Serological Investigation on Human Parvovirus B19 Infections in Fujian

  17. p53蛋白和抗体的血清流行病学研究三峡库区流动人口血吸虫血清流行病学研究

    Seroepidemiological Study of p53 Protein and Antibodies in Different Group People ; Serological epidemiology investigation on Schistosoma japonicum of the mobile population in Three Gorges reservoir area

  18. 四川省绵阳市男性出租车司机HSV-2血清流行病学研究

    Seroprevalence and risk factors of HSV-2 infection among male taxi drivers in Mianyang city , Sichuan province

  19. 运用ELISA法检测麻疹IgM抗体、麻疹病毒分离鉴定等方法,结合血清流行病学、病毒学和分子生物学技术,从病原学上明确病因;

    Using the serum epidemiology , virology and molecular biology technology to make clear what the pathogen is by detecting IgM antibody by ELISA , measles virus isolation and identification .

  20. 结果显示,建立的ELISA检测方法敏感性和特异性分别为97.09%和96.15%,可作为对本病进行血清流行病学检测的工具;

    The results show that the developed ELISA has high specification and sensitivity for hypodermosis , 96.15 and 97.09 % , respectively , and can be used for sero-epidemiology surveillance of hypodermosis in China .

  21. 血清流行病学的调查研究已经发现,异型病毒的再次感染是引发DHF/DSS的高危因素。

    Seroepidemiological studies have shown that subsequent heterologous infection may be a major risk factor for DHF / DSS due to antibody-dependent enhancement .

  22. HAstV血清流行病学的研究显示,5岁儿童抗1型HAstV的IgG抗体阳性率达90%,说明儿童5岁以前对HAstV已有广泛的接触。

    Serum epidemiological studies have shown a positive rate of 90 % of IgG antibody for serotype-1 astrovirus in 5-year-olds , indicating that children have had extensive contacts with astrovirus before the age of five .

  23. 本文介绍了应用HRP-SPA结合物,作为第二抗体做ELISA试验,用于猪种布病疫区人群血清流行病学检查。

    This report recommends the use of HRP-SPA combination as a second antibody in ELISA for examining the brucellosis of human in a swine brucellosis epidemic area .

  24. 重视儿童期CagA阳性Hp感染的血清流行病学研究,对减少成年消化疾病发病率,提高民族健康素质具有深远的意义。

    It was important to study the CagA positive Hp infection in children with epidemiological methods . There were far-reaching significance to reduce the rates of digestive system diseases in adults .

  25. 方法统计分析沂蒙山区1997~2003年HFRS疫情资料。人群血清流行病学调查,HFRS疫苗接种效果观察。

    [ Methods ] Statistic analysis was made on the epidemic data of 1997 ~ 2003.Epidemiological survey was done , and the effect of HFRS vaccine inoculation was observed .

  26. 大量的血清流行病学资料和实验室研究的证据表明,血吸虫特异性IgE抗体在抗血吸虫感染免疫中发挥重要作用。

    So far , a lot of data from field sero-epidemiological investigations and laboratory studies have demonstrated that the schistosome specific IgE antibody may play an important role in defense against the infection .

  27. 我国是HBV感染的高发区,根据1992-1995年全国病毒性肝炎血清流行病学调查,人群HBsAg携带率达9.75%,约1.2亿人。

    HBV infection rate is high in our country . According to the epidemiologic investigation on hepatitis serum in 1992 to 1995 , the HBsAg rate arrive 9.75 % , this means about 1.2 hundred million people have HbsAg in serum .

  28. 目的:比较1990~2001年上海市区幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)血清流行病学的改变,探讨H.pylori感染的危险因素。

    Aims : To compare the seroepidemiological changes of Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori ) in Shanghai urban area during 1990 and 2001 and to explore the risk factors of H. pylori infection .

  29. [方法]对浦东地区与禽类、猪等动物接触的职业人群和部分健康体检者进行H5、H9亚型流感病毒的血清流行病学调查。

    [ Methods ] Seroepidemiological surveys for influenza A ( H5 , H9 ) virus in the professional population contacting with the animals and some healthy men under medical examination .

  30. 方法运用血清流行病学调查和疫情资料对比分析,比较实施免疫策略前后江门市区0~15岁人群乙肝发病率和感染率变化情况和乙肝表面抗体(抗HBs)增长情况。

    Methods Seroepidemiology and morbidity data were used to analyze the morbidity rate and infective rate of HB in children between 0 ~ 15 years of age before or after implementing of the vaccination programme in Jiangmen area .