
  1. 环模制粒机在饲料机械行业和生物能源技术研究领域都是举足轻重的机械之一,其品质很大程度上决定了颗粒的加工质量、产量和制粒机能耗。

    Pellet mill holds the balance in feed industry and bioenergy . And the quality of pellet mill plays an important role on the particles yield , quality and the energy consumption .

  2. 生物质的快速热解是一种新型生物能源转化技术。随温度升高先增大后减小,在477℃左右液体产率最高。

    Fast pyrolysis of biomass for bio-oil is a kind of new technology of energy conversion which attracts growing research rapidly . The bio-oil yield occurred at about 477 ℃ .

  3. 在21世纪,生物科技与能源技术、空间技术一起组成了科学研究的三大主流方向。

    In the 21st century , biotechnology , energy technology , and space technology together make up the three main streams of scientific research .