
  1. 论WTO对中国人力资源管理制度的挑战及应对措施

    The Challenges of WTO in our Human Resources Management Systems and Measures

  2. 构筑以SA8000体系为基础的人力资源管理制度

    Constructing the Human Resource Management System Based on SA8000 System

  3. 本文提出建立基于SA8000体系为基础的现代人力资源管理制度的基本平台,建立基于胜任能力的人力资源管理机制,建立基于文化认同的能力提升机制。

    The businesses should develop the modern human resource management system based on SA8000 system , develop the human resource management mechanism based upon employee 's competency , and develop the competency improvement mechanism based upon culture identifying .

  4. 基于和谐理论的图书馆人力资源管理制度安排

    Human Resource Management in Libraries on the Basis of Harmonious Theory

  5. 我国公共部门与公共人力资源管理制度

    China 's Public Human Resources and the System of Their Management

  6. 试论公共部门人力资源管理制度的创新

    Innovation in the Management System of Human Resource in Public Sectors

  7. 建立人力资源管理制度和流程,并持续改善。

    Establish the HR management system and flow , keeping improving .

  8. 民营企业人力资源管理制度再造探讨

    Discussion of the System Recreation on HRM in Private Enterprises

  9. 人性假设下的企业人力资源管理制度

    Enterprise 's Human Resources Managing System under the Hypothesis of Human Nature

  10. 第三,完善人力资源管理制度;

    Thirdly , bettering the management system of human resources ;

  11. 在企业文化范畴内对人力资源管理制度的思考

    Consideration on Human Resources Management System within the Range of Enterprise Culture

  12. 企业人力资源管理制度建设与策略分析

    The Institutional Improvement and Strategic Analysis of Enterprises ' Human Resources Management

  13. 我国人力资源管理制度严重滞后。

    The human resource management system lag behind a lot right now .

  14. 人力资源管理制度安排的次序选择

    On the Sequence Choice in the Arrangement of Human Resource Management System

  15. 指出测评指标可以用来衡量企业人力资源管理制度和进行工作岗位分析。

    How to measure the human resources management system , and so on .

  16. 完善国有商业银行人力资源管理制度的思考。

    The consideration aimedat perfecting the human resource management system of biz in China .

  17. 企业的人力资源管理制度不完善;

    Enterprise human resources management system imperfect ;

  18. 如何建立系统的人力资源管理制度&对本期特别策划的思考

    How to establish systematic human resource management & thinking about the special topic in this journal

  19. 我国现有的人力资源管理制度脱胎于传统的人事管理体制。

    Our current human resource management regulations are based on the traditional human resource management system .

  20. 能否建立一套吸纳、维系、激励优秀人才的现代人力资源管理制度是所有企业竞争成败的关键,而绩效管理是其中一个重要组成部分。

    In this Human Resource Management system , performance management system is one of the most important part .

  21. 绩效管理成功的关键在于体系建立的科学性,而绩效管理体系设计是建立现代企业人力资源管理制度的前提和核心。

    Performance management system design is the precondition and core of setting up human resource management system in modern enterprises .

  22. 现代企业所要求的人力资源管理制度在大多数企业已经建立,对改善企业的运作效率,提高企业的核心竞争力都起到了十分积极的作用。

    In many companies human resource management systems have been built up , which plays active role in improving operation .

  23. 其目的是在企业内部建立起合理的人力资源管理制度,树立以人为本的科学管理观念。

    Aim to set up the reasonable human resource management system in inner enterprise and build up the scientific management idea .

  24. 该公司已建立了完整的人力资源管理制度,招聘,培训,任用和激励员工。

    The company has set up a complete human resources management system for recruitment , training , appointment and employee motivation .

  25. 在弥补了理论界关于西部地区人力资源管理制度研究不足的同时,本文所提出的对策措施可能为相关决策部门制定政策提供理论依据,这对于西部大开发也有重要的现实意义。

    It also has practical significance to the China Western Exploration and could become theoretical basis for government 's policy making .

  26. 其次是建立和完善相关的人力资源管理制度,比如建立科学的薪酬制度、绩效考评制度、培训制度等;

    Second , scientific human resource management system should be constructed and improved , such as compensation , performance appraisal and train .

  27. 高校人事制度改革的目标是建立符合高校自身特点的现代人力资源管理制度,其中一个重要方面就是建立和健全教师工作绩效评价机制。

    The aim of the reform is to establish a modern human resources management system , which is in line with their own characteristics .

  28. A公司的成长很大程度上得益于建立了比较完善的人力资源管理制度,其中有效的员工培训制度发挥了至关重要的作用。

    This remarkable growth of Company A benefits from the human resource management , in which the staff training plays a very active role .

  29. 论我国政府部门人力资源管理制度的完善与创新我国基层政府部门人力资源管理存在的问题及对策研究

    Study on Perfection and Innovation of Governmental HRM System in China ; Problems and Countermeasures of Human Resources Management in China 's Grass-roots Government Department

  30. 而本文选择员工对人力资源管理制度的认同作为切入点,探讨它与敬业度之间的关系。

    However , this dissertation aims to explore the relationships between the employee engagement and their recognition of Human Resources Management System as the cutting point .