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  • Ginseng Decoction
  1. 人参汤对缺血性心脏病治疗的研究

    Study of Ginseng Decoction in Treating Ischemic Heart Diseases

  2. 八味地黄方与人参汤共用中毒机制的研究

    Studies on Toxicity Mechanism of Ba Wei Di Huang Recipe and Ginseng Decoction

  3. 白虎人参汤对改善2型糖尿病IR的疗效观察

    Clinical observation of Bai Hu Ren Sheng Decoction to improve insulin resistance of type 2 diabetes mellitus

  4. 探讨人参汤提取物对血管内皮细胞的保护作用。

    To investigate the protective effects of the extraction of ginseng decoction on vascular endothelial cells .

  5. 中药加味桂枝人参汤治疗化疗毒副反应临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Effects of Jiawei Guizhi Renshen Decoction in Treating Toxic side Effect of Chemotherapy

  6. 人参汤在临床应用中治疗气虚血瘀型心绞痛有较好疗效,人参能保护缺血心脏,增加血氧含量,改善心肌的供氧,降低血脂等;

    Ginseng decoction has good effect in curing angina pectoris of qi-dificiency and Blood Stasis syndrome in clinic . Ginseng can protect the ischemic myocardium by increasing the oxygen content in blood , improving the oxygen supply to the myocardium , and lowering the serum lipid , etc.

  7. 目的:探讨人参胡核汤对人前列腺癌PC-3细胞的体外作用。

    Objective : To observe the effect of Renshen Huhe Tang on androgen-independent prostate cancer line PC-3 in vitro .

  8. 每个月喝一个星期的人参乌鸡汤。

    Drink good soaps for one wk of one month .

  9. 人参陈皮汤具有明显的抗溃疡作用。

    Ginseng & Tangerine Peel Concoction shows remarkable effect in the anti-ulcer action .

  10. 人参养荣汤对衰老小鼠脑神经元形态和密度的影响

    Effect of Renshen Yangrong Decoction on Cerebral Neuron Form and Density in Aging Mice

  11. 目的:研究中药制剂人参养荣汤在机体免疫应答过程中的正向调节作用。

    Objective : To verify that GinSeng Tonic Decoction has the function of enhancing immune responses .

  12. 人参白虎汤对链脲佐菌素诱导的糖尿病大鼠血管舒缩功能的影响

    Effect of Combined Active Parts from Ginseng Baihu Decoction on Aortic Rings of Diabetic Rat Induced by Streptozotocin

  13. 结论人参养荣汤可以通过改善小鼠肝、脑细胞线粒体随增龄所产生的结构变化而起到抗衰老的作用。

    Conclusion RYD can anti-age by improving the changes of mitochondria structure of liver and brain accompanied with ageing .

  14. 侍从官立刻上前附耳对总统说:「人参鲍鱼汤已经煮好了!」

    The server official moves close to president 's ear and says : The soup of the ginseng and sea-ear are ready !

  15. 结论人参养荣汤对大脑皮质神经元的保护作用可能是其抗衰老机制之一。

    Conclusion : The protective action of Renshen Yangrong Decoction on neurons of the cerebral cortex is possibly one of mechanisms of its anti-aging effect .

  16. 目的观察人参养荣汤对亚急性老化小鼠外观、体重增长率、死亡率、脑神经元形态和密度的影响。

    Objective : To observe effects of Renshen Yangrong Decoction on appearance , body weight increasing rate , death rate and cerebral neuron form and density in the sub-acute mice .

  17. 目的:探讨人参四物汤对慢性病毒性肝炎患者血清锌含量和肝功能的影响。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical effects of decoction Rensheng Siwu ( RSSW ) to increase serum Zn level and Improve liver function in patients with chronic viral hepatitis ( CVH ) .

  18. 目的:观察人参四逆汤化合物H(H)对成年豚鼠离体心的心肌收缩性能和心室肌细胞动作电位的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of chemical H of Renshen Sini Tang on myocardium contraction and action potentials of isolated working heart in adult guinea-pig .

  19. 胃饲人参养营汤每次0.5ml,1d2次,第10d记数股骨有核细胞数,再观察成纤维细胞集落形成单位(CFU-F),培养基质细胞层的粘附能力。

    Then the number of thigh bone marrow nucleated cells , fibroblastic colony forming unit ( CFU-F ) and the adhesive function of stromal cells of the bone marrow were assayed on the 10 th day .

  20. 人参四逆汤抗休克作用的有效组分成分分析

    Studies on antishock effect of active constituents in GINSENG SINI TANG

  21. 人参四逆汤质量控制方法的研究&乌头类生物碱的鉴别、含量测定及乌头碱的限量检查

    Studies on the method of quality control of Renshen sinitang & identification test 、 Quantitative determination of aconite alkaloids and limit test of Aconitine

  22. 肺中实火所致上窍出血或尿血以人参泻肺汤为主;

    Ginseng Decoction for Expelling Lung-Heat is mainly used to treat the upper orifices bleeding or haematuria caused by the fire of excess type in lung ;