
  1. 有些人租房屋,但大多数的人还是选择租公寓。

    Some people rent houses , but most renters live in apartments .

  2. 有些人租了车,从10小时车程外的城市赶来。

    Some had traveled in chartered buses from cities 10 hours away .

  3. 请问这条船有人租了吗?

    Excuse me , is this boat hired ?

  4. 凯瑟琳,他走了以后,那座房子就给人租去了。

    His lodgings were taken the very day after he left them , Catherine .

  5. 已经有人租一个星期了。

    They are rented for a week already .

  6. 昨天上午有个叫伊安·蒙福德的人租走了这车,他是个银行家。

    The car was hired yesterday morning by an Ian Monkford . Banker of some kind .

  7. 郝华:昨天我在海边看到有人租冲浪板,我想租一个。

    HOWARD : I saw yesterday that they rent windsurfers at the beach . I want to rent one .

  8. 昨天上午有个叫伊安·蒙福德的人租走了这车他是个银行家

    The car was hired yesterday morning by an Ian Monkford . Banker of some kind . City boy .

  9. 什么样的人会租家具而不是买家具呢?

    What kinds of people rent their home furnishings instead of buying them ?

  10. 单(双)人房间租一天多少钱?

    How much is a room for one day ?

  11. 但我不会像某些人那样租下整家餐馆。

    But I don 't rent out entire restaurants , unlike some people .

  12. 许多人靠租房子给学生营生。

    Many people make a living by boarding students .

  13. 许多人情愿租电视机而不愿买电视机。

    Many people prefer to rent their television sets instead of buying them .

  14. 你敢担保有人肯租?

    Don 't you think there 's people who 'd want to rent it ?

  15. 天啊,这地方以后肯定没人敢租了。

    Man , they are never gonna be able to rent this place now .

  16. 2004年,两人同租一套公寓并开始约会。

    They became flatmates and began dating in2004 .

  17. 农民每年都从养蜂人那里租来蜜蜂为杏树和樱桃树授粉。

    Farmers rent the bees from bee-keepers to pollinate almond and cherry trees every year .

  18. 我现在成了一匹工作马,有各种各样的人来租我。有的是好骑手,其他的则糟透了。

    I was a'job horse'and all kinds of people hired me.Some were good drivers , others were very bad .

  19. 在日本,在售的其他服务还有与性无关的拥抱聚会,以及孤独的人可以租朋友的业务。

    Other services on offer in Japan include non-sexual cuddling sessions and businesses that will let lonely people rent a friend .

  20. 随着压力的增加,一些人甚至租一个男朋友或女朋友陪他们回家让父母高兴。

    As the pressure mounts , some even rent a boyfriend or girlfriend to accompany them home to make their parents happy .

  21. 如果你经济上困难你可以找人和租或者住在家里,但是不要因为这样就放弃。

    Live with roommates or friends or family if you can 't afford the market you 're in , but don 't quit just because you can 't afford it !

  22. 墓穴的成本过高,大多数人选择租坟墓,租期为三年。尸骨被挖出来后,永久的安宁也仍得不到保证。

    The cost of the grave is so great that most people choose to rent the grave for three years and even after it has been dug up , lasting peace is still not guaranteed .

  23. 据知情人士透露,约80万人向e租宝投资,成交总额近400亿人民币。

    Sources close to the investigation said , roughly 800000 people had invested nearly 40 billion yuan in Ezubo .

  24. 最近,昆尼皮亚克大学(Quinnipiac)开展的一项民意调查表明,56%的受访者认为,应该允许纽约人将房间租给陌生人。

    A recent Quinnipiac poll found that 56 percent of the responders thought New Yorkers should be allowed to rent rooms out to strangers .

  25. 我若独自一人旅行就租一辆超小型汽车。

    I rent a subcompact when I 'm travelling alone .

  26. 他从天津连人带车租来一辆红色敞篷大奔。

    Jiang hired a driver from Tianjin with a red Mercedes convertible .

  27. 没人有兴趣租这间房。

    I can 't get anyone interested in this flat .

  28. 上海人最想租什么?(英文)

    What Do Shanghai People Want to Rent Most ?

  29. 任何人都可以租一间店面,开创自己的教会,而且也有很多人这样做了。

    Anybody can rent out a storefront and start their own church , and many people have done so .

  30. 作为责任限制权利主体的船舶承租人包括光租承租人和期租承租人,不应包括航次承租人、舱位/箱位承租人。

    The charterer entitled to limit liability should include bareboat charterer and time charterer , while voyage charterer , space or slot charterer be excluded .