
  • 网络passport photo
  1. 宝宝护照照片走红

    Baby Passport Photo Goes Viral

  2. 我想拍几张黑白的护照照片。

    I want to get some passport photos in black and white .

  3. 动物之家的员工在INS上写道:卡普现在能够感受到那些拍过驾照照片,护照照片以及八年级小学毕业照的人的痛苦了。

    Carpe Diem feels the pain of anyone who has ever had their driver 's license , passport or eighth grade school photo taken , " animal shelter staff wrote on Instagram .

  4. 我的护照照片很讨厌,我看起来太丑了。

    I hate my passport picture . I look so ugly .

  5. 移民所用照片与护照照片不同。

    Immigration photographs are not the same as passport photographs .

  6. 但有两样东西我没法伪�指纹和护照照片

    But two things I cannot forge Are fingerprints and passport photos .

  7. 此栏贴申请人的彩色护照照片。

    Please attach a passport-sized color photo in this space .

  8. 介绍一种护照照片的制作方法

    Introduction of a Method of Producing Passport Photos

  9. 实践证明,应用本文介绍的方法制作的护照照片,经过有关部门工作人员的查验,完全符合护照申请对照片的要求。

    The experience has demonstrated that the photos created by the method comply with the requirements of passport photos and pass the related examination .

  10. 雇主(夫妻)各四张彩色护照型照片。

    Colored passport-size photo of husband & wife-4 pcs each .

  11. 我被授权在病人的护照申请照片上签字,我猜我应该算得上受人尊敬的人了吧?

    I guess that I could be qualified as a respected person if I am authorized to sign on patient 's passport pictures in canada ?

  12. 现场发现的一本护照的照片在监视人员中传阅,他们指认可汗是缝隙行动中发现的人中的一个。

    The picture from a passport found at the site was circulated among surveillance staff , who identified Khan as one of those seen during Operation Crevice .

  13. 将自己的护照大小的照片中所提供的空间。

    Attach one passport-size photograph of yourself in the space provided .

  14. 但他的护照上的照片是有胡子的。

    But his passport photograph shows him with his beard .

  15. 她们的年龄都在36岁至54岁之间,本人和护照上的照片相比,眼睛更大,鼻梁更高,下巴更尖。

    They were between the ages of 36 and 54 , and had bigger eyes , higher noses and slimmer chins than depicted on their passports .

  16. 护照和驾照的照片从来都没有本人好看。

    Passport and driver 's license pictures never do .

  17. 我要照一张护照用的小照片。

    I need a small passport photo .

  18. 眼睛高度–从护照底部或签证照片到穿过双眼所在的水平线之间的距离;

    EYE HEIGHT – the distance from the bottom of a passport or visa photo to a horizontal line going through both eyes ;

  19. 入住前提供护照复印件、照片等,并保证本合同期内其个人在京签证及工作签证为有效签证。

    Provide passport copy , photo etc before move in and make sure that the work permit and the visa in Beijing is all-valid during the lease term in this premises .

  20. 广告与您信赖的武装相机和一些好的,你可以做的婚礼,模型,全家福,护照,学生的照片,当地报纸报道,几乎任何需要的图片!

    Armed with your trusty camera and some good advertising , you can do weddings , models , family portraits , passports , student photos , local newspaper coverage ; almost anything that requires a picture !

  21. 据中国日报报道,一些女性在护照检查处被拦下,因为跟护照照片相比,他们本人眼睛更大、鼻梁更高、下巴更尖。

    China Daily reported that some women have been stopped at passport control because they were noted to have bigger eyes , higher noses and slimmer chins than in the photographs shown in their passports .

  22. 这个中国家庭如今滞留在韩国,因为儿子用黑色水笔在护照上画满了各种人、动物还有胡须的涂鸦,海关官员无法辨认护照上的照片。

    The Chinese national is now stuck in the country after border officials failed to be impressed by his young son 's creative addition of people , animals , and a beard - all daubed in black felt tip - to the passport .