
hù fǎ
  • Dharma Protector;uphold the constitution;protect Buddhist doctrine;those who protect Buddhist doctrine
护法 [hù fǎ]
  • (1) [protect Buddhist doctrine]∶护卫佛法

  • (2) [those who protect Buddhist doctrine]∶护卫佛法的人,后指给寺庙施舍财物的人

护法[hù fǎ]
  1. 高层建筑深基坑支护法的综合运用

    Comprehensive Application of Deep Foundation Pit Support Methods of High-rise Building

  2. 沿空护巷中避开动压二次支护法

    Avoiding influence of dynamical pressure for secondary supporting in gob entry

  3. 预应力锚杆柔性支护法的构成与特点

    Basic Composition and Functions of the Prestressed Anchor Flexible Retaining Method

  4. 水泥卷锚杆支护法快速掘进巷道的实践

    The practice of quick tunneling based on concrete scroll rockbolt supporing

  5. 管棚支护法在高速公路下穿桥施工中的应用

    The application of pipe-shed support method in bridge construction beneath expressway

  6. 金刚护法加到人身上,闪烁频率问题

    Vajra dharma added to the person , flashing frequency question

  7. 这些特性决定了护法的道德意义。

    These features determine the morality significance of the law .

  8. 喷锚网支护法在工程中的应用

    The application of combined bolting and shotcrete net propping method in engineering

  9. 锚杆锚固与木井框支护法联合支护竖井

    Combination of Anchor With Wood Frame for Supporting of Shaft

  10. 是减肥和护法配方里不可缺少的重要秘密武器!

    It is especially important in many slimming and hair care recipe .

  11. 闽南护法区研究

    Study on the Defending the Doctrine Area in the South of Fujian Province

  12. 希望大家能够做护法神。

    Custodian of hope that we can do God .

  13. 钢管桩支护法明挖基坑施工方法简介

    Brief Introduction of Foundation Pitch Open Excavations by Support of Steel Pipe Pier

  14. 土钉支护法在淤泥质软土地区的应用

    Soil-nail supporting method used in soft muddy soil region

  15. 这是一个护法的作用。

    That is the function of a Dharma Protector .

  16. 护理措施和临护法大体上是相同的。

    Nursing management and monitoring are essentially the same .

  17. 自然支护法矿柱尺寸优化研究

    Optimizing Study of the Size of the Jamb In the Nature System of Supporting

  18. 联合支护法在灵山金矿27~脉开采中的应用

    Application of combined supporting technology in No 27 stope of Lingshan Gold Ore Mine

  19. 自然支护法力学原理的研究

    Study of the mechanics principle of self-supporting openings

  20. 介绍了太原某工程成功采用喷锚网支护法进行基坑支护的情况,主要阐述了喷锚网支护设计、施工工艺、施工质量监测等几个环节。

    The construction adopting combined bolting and shotcrete net to support foundation pit are introduced .

  21. 小木架支护法在冒落采区残采矿石中的实践木支护的水平分层充填采矿法

    Practice of Supporting Method with Small Wooden Stand in the Residual Stones of Caving Mining Area

  22. 两次护法运动,福建成为革命党和革命军的大本营和复兴基地。

    Fujian became the headquarters and revival base for revolution party and revolution force . Dr. Exercise .

  23. 对深基坑支护的一种新技术&预应力锚杆柔性支护法作了简单介绍。

    A new retaining method for deep excavation-prestressed anchor flexible retaining method has been developed by the authors .

  24. 通过进一步研究分析,提出了预应力锚杆柔性支护法喷射混凝土面层上土压力的简化计算公式。

    By further analysis , the simplified formula for calculating the earth pressure on the shotcrete is proposed .

  25. 1921年孙中山在广州就任非常大总统,再揭护法旗帜。

    Sun Yat-sen in Guangzhou in1921 , became a great president , and then to expose law-enforcement banner .

  26. 采用水上深基坑围护法建造特大型船坞坞口的创新设计

    Creative design of super large dry-dock head construction by means of deep steel sheet piling excavation in water area

  27. 在封建社会朝庭不许民间私藏兵器,少林寺僧为了护法、护寺、护僧,就用烧火棍练就一身武艺。

    In feudal society , the government did not allow the common people to have iron or steel weapons .

  28. 分阶段动态支护法在超千米深井大断面软岩巷道支护中的应用

    Application of Dynamic Support by Stages in Large Section and Soft Roadway in the Mine with the Depth over 1000m

  29. 我从不久之前所造的礼敬护法关公简轨中取出此启请颂并将之译为英文。

    I had taken this supplication from the short ritual composed a while ago , and translated it into English .

  30. 这显示出佛法教授的出现是由佛及护法以超凡人理解的方式来指引。

    This incidence shows that the appearance of Dharma teachings is guided by Buddhas and protectors in ways beyond ordinary comprehension .