
  • 网络Barkhor;Barkhor Street
  1. 箱式变电站八廓街房屋的类型学

    Box-type Transformer Substation TYPOLOGY OF HOUSE IN BARKHOR STREET

  2. 老城区的八廓广场仍然是城市中极好的地方。

    Barkhor Square in the old area is still a wonderful part of the city .

  3. 这个地图上没有八廓泰国到柬埔寨的线路。

    The map does not include a link between Thailand and Myanmar .

  4. 八廓街宗教氛围浓厚,呈现出拉萨的原貌。

    The streets are full of religious atmosphere and show the original Lhasa .

  5. 《热闹的八廓街》环绕大昭寺外墙一圈称为“八廓”,大昭寺外辐射出的街道叫“八廓街”即八角街。

    The noisy Bakuo Street : The area around Dazhao Temple called " Bakuo ", while the streets around Dazhao Temple called " Bakuo streets " o " r Bajiao streets " .

  6. 它是我们适应环境的不同阶段你去过老镇或八廓广场周边的咖啡店吗?‘那里有一个提供世界标准级卡布奇诺咖啡的地方——确实,那是你在拉萨那样的地方想也想不到的。

    Did you go to any of the cafes in the Old Town or around the Barkhor Square There was one brilliant coffee place we went to that served world standard'cappuccinos and things like that - exactly what you do not expect to have in somewhere like Lhasa .

  7. 不过最终的研究基地应具有四到八区街廓。

    The site you end up with should contain four to eight blocks .