
hù wàn
  • Wristband;bracer;wrister
护腕 [hù wàn]
  • (1) [bracer]∶如击剑者或球类运动员所用的戴在手腕上防止扭伤的防护套;尤指射箭运动员戴的一种通常皮革制的防护套,以防止左腕因弓弦突然绷断而被弹伤

  • (2) [wrister]∶套在手腕上的保暖编织物

护腕[hù wàn]
  1. 使一副护腕永久的获得防御技能+8的效果。

    Enchant Bracer-Major Defense : Permanently enchants bracers to increase your defense by 8 .

  2. B组35例尺骨骨折采用开放复位内固定,桡骨头手法复位后肘部用护腕固定;

    Thirty - five children in Group B 3 were treated by internal fixation in the fracture of ulna and external fixation by wristlet after manual reduction in the dislocation of head of radius .

  3. 所有配件,包括BauBax电池组、充电板、iPhone壳、护腕和皮夹等,都是单独销售的。

    All the accessories , including the BauBax battery bank , charging pad , iPhone case , wristlet and wallet , are sold separately .

  4. 在她的2016年春夏季时装中,布哈与法国时尚品牌Lemaire合作,用艳丽保守的风格设计护腕、吊坠与耳环。

    For SS16 , Buhai applies her bold , sparing style to cuffs , pendants and earrings in collaboration with the French design house Lemaire .

  5. 雪板保护装备的讨论-护腕,护臀,护膝等。

    Snowboard Protective Gear-Wrist Guard , Pad Pants , Knee Guard * etc.

  6. 为护腕附上雕饰将使它变成灵魂绑定。

    Embossing your bracers causes them to become soulbound .

  7. 这时,你最少应该已经出了草鞋和两个护腕。

    You should have at least a Boots of Speed and2 Bracers until this point .

  8. 随身带上安全配置和护膝护腕等,并穿运动鞋。

    Bring security allocation such as kneecap and cuff etc usually , and wear sneakers .

  9. 在你的护腕刻上龙纹雕饰,永久性地提高力量130点。

    Draconic Embossment-Strength-Emboss the pattern of dragons onto your bracers , permanently increasing Strength by130 .

  10. 以及一个皮革护腕和护臂

    and a leather wrist forearm guard .

  11. 这个小东西有趣,是护腕垫。有什么特色呢?

    This little gadget is a palm rest , so what 's so special about it ?

  12. 所以确保去要一个护腕,当你举起你的咖啡。

    So be sure to ask for a protective sleeve when you pick up your coffee .

  13. 他用胶带来遮盖这些品牌的标识,或者从护腕上剪下带着耐克标识的一块布,贴在这些品牌上面。

    He covered those logos with tape or with slices from wristbands that bore the Nike swoosh .

  14. 方法用白棉布、尼龙搭扣、夹板、护腕制成中单式固定带。

    Methods Using cotton cloth , nylon joint , splint , wrist-band , the fixation band was made .

  15. 当你无法避免向后方跌低时,尝试在你既护肘和护腕上降落。

    When you can 't avoid falling backward , try to land on your elbow pads and wrist guards .

  16. 采用上述结构还可以制作护腕或护肘等产品。

    Such a structure can be utilized for making the wrist band , the elbow guard or other products .

  17. 他又使出一记侧劈,结果琼恩拨开他的剑,然后用戴了护腕的手肘撞击他的腹部。

    When he tried a sideswing , Jon swept aside his blade and slammed a mailed forearm into his chest .

  18. 布什收到的生日礼物中,包括目前正在美国访问的加拿大总理史蒂文哈珀送给他的一个腰带扣,和白宫工作人员送的护腕。

    As for gifts , Bush got a belt buckle from visiting Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and cuff links from staff .

  19. 确保活动适合个人年龄并提供护具,例如头盔、护腕和护膝。

    Ensure that the activity is age appropriate and provide protective equipment such as helmets , wrist pads , and knee pads .

  20. 既可以当护腕,又可以当手表使用的强大实用性,导致其成为了时尚一族的心水之选。

    Either when the wrist when the watch can also use a powerful practicality , become a fashionable choice for the fashion people .

  21. 张学友已经在许多场合身穿黑色装、套黑色护腕,以此来纪念地震灾民。

    Jacky Cheung has been seen in many occasions dressed in black and wearing a black wristlet in memory of the quake victims .

  22. BauBax总共设计了27款无线充电产品,包括运动衫、夹克衫以及护腕,它们都能够充满一部智能手机。

    In all , BauBax is designing 27 products for wireless charging , including sweatshirts , jackets and wristlets , which can charge a smartphone inside of it .

  23. 正当格雷果举剑准备致命一击时,一个嘶哑的声音警告他:“不要碰他。”紧接着,一只戴了钢护腕的手便将他自少年身边硬生生地扭开。

    But as Gregor lifted his sword for the killing blow , a rasping voice warned , " Leave him be , " and a steel-clad hand wrenched him away from the boy .

  24. 他指出只有有了更多的认识,安全的训练方法才可能被开发出来。更多的舞者才可能采取像头盔,护腕和护膝和护肘的护具。

    With greater awareness , he noted , safer training methods may be developed , and more breakers may take to wearing protective gear like helmets , wrist guards and wraps for the knees and elbows .