
  • 网络sprain
  1. 杰迈克尔·格林,自从他高位踝关节扭伤恢复,回到赛场之后,就再也不像之前那样高效了。

    JaMychal Green hasn 't been himself since returning from a high ankle sprain .

  2. 踝关节扭伤的治疗及185例疗效分析

    Therapy of Ankle Sprain and Therapeutic Effectiveness Analysing for 185 Patients

  3. TDP照射下敷跌打药酒治疗踝关节扭伤60例疗效观察及护理

    Observation on the efficacy of herbal alcohol for external injury in the treatment of 60 patients with ankle sprain under TDP irradiation and nursing care

  4. 八九十年代的NBA,球员可能会带着拉伤的韧带,肌肉拉伤,关节扭伤,骨折等种种伤病上场打球。这主要归咎于当时落后的科学技术还没有准确到可以在第一时间的发现这些伤病。

    Guys would play in the ' 80s and ' 90s with torn ligaments , strains , sprains , fractures , in part because the technology didn 't exist to accurately discover them upon testing .

  5. 其中,主要原因是带伤训练。4、CUBA西南赛区男篮中锋运动员运动损伤的性质所占比例较大的为关节扭伤、软组织损伤、肌肉拉伤、腰部扭伤。

    Among them , the main reason is injured training . 4 、 CUBA Southwest Division basketball center nature of sports injury for a larger proportion of sprains , soft tissue injury , muscle strain , lumbar sprain .

  6. 分别在治疗前、治疗中、治疗后观察受试者的视觉模拟评分法(VAS)、踝关节扭伤症状积分(ASI),包括关节疼痛指数、关节障碍指数、关节肿胀、关节红热等情况。

    Respectively before treatment , after treatment . The trial observed the subjects ' visual analogue scale ( VAS ), ankle sprains symptom integral ( ASI ), including joint pain , joint disorders index , joint swelling , joint red , and so on and so forth .

  7. l如果出现由于踝关节扭伤或其他原因,导致踝关节或腿出现肿胀确信不是由于心衰引起,在“0”的选项上画圈。

    If you did have swelling that was caused by a sprained ankle or some other cause that you are sure was not related to heart failure , you should circle the zero ( 0 ) after this question .

  8. 他踩在一块松动的石头上,把踝关节扭伤了。

    He stepped on a loose stone and twisted his ankle .

  9. 交变磁场治疗踝关节扭伤的疗效观察

    Curative Observation of Treatment of ankle sprain by alternating magnetic field

  10. 浅谈马骡关节扭伤及其疗法

    Brief Introduction to Joint Sprain and Its Therapy in Horses and Mules

  11. 二甲亚砜凝胶加针灸治疗踝关节扭伤疗效观察

    Observation of Curative Effects of Dolobene Plus Acupuncture on Ankle Joint Sprain

  12. 针刺跗骨窦治疗踝关节扭伤的临床观察

    Clinical observation on needling tarsal sinus for treatment of sprain of ankle

  13. 结论:本方法治疗踝关节扭伤疗效显著,取穴少,不失为治疗本病的理想方法。

    Conclusion This method has obvious therapeutic effect on sprain of ankle .

  14. 踝关节扭伤合并神经损伤的诊治体会

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Sprained Ankle Combined with Nerve Injury

  15. 排球运动员踝关节扭伤机制与防治的探讨

    Exploration in the ankle sprain mechanism of volleyball players the prophylaxis and treatment

  16. 外用中药分期治疗踝关节扭伤的临床研究

    Clinical research on treatment of ankle-sprain with external-using TCM

  17. 分期推拿治疗踝关节扭伤40例

    Massage for 40 Cases of Ankle Sprain by Stages

  18. 运用推拿疗法治疗踝关节扭伤40例。

    Cases of ankle sprain were treated by massage .

  19. 结果:21例患者中有20例发生于踝关节扭伤后,其中16例为内翻伤。

    Results Twenty patients had history of ankle sprain .

  20. 外用:跌打瘀伤,关节扭伤。

    External use : sprains and bruises from injuries .

  21. 踝关节扭伤处理不当常导致慢性踝关节不稳定。

    The sprain of ankle could result in chronic instability without appropriate treatment .

  22. 我想我踝关节扭伤了。

    I think I have sprained my ankle .

  23. 对急性踝关节扭伤的治疗,已有较多的研究和实践。

    There are many studies and practices for the treatment of acute ankle sprains .

  24. 牵引复位法治疗运动员踝关节扭伤的疗效分析

    Analysis of Curative Effects of Traction Reposition Treatment for Ankle Joint Sprain of Athletes

  25. 目的:寻找治疗踝关节扭伤的最佳方法。

    Objective To search for the best method for treatment of sprain of ankle .

  26. 陆军与海军新兵基础训练期间踝关节扭伤的病例对照研究

    A case-control study on ankle sprain in recruits of army and navy during basic training

  27. 运动损伤主要表现为关节扭伤和挫伤;下肢是最容易损伤的部位。

    Sports injury is mainly on joints and contusion and the parts of lower limbs .

  28. 针灸治疗急性踝关节扭伤主要是通则不痛。

    Acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of acute ankle sprains are mainly improve pain .

  29. 少林跌打止痛膏治疗急性踝关节扭伤102例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on 102 Cases of Acute Ankle Sprain treated with Shaolin Dieda Zhitong Plaster

  30. 他的腕关节扭伤。

    Indicated for wrist strain and sprain .