
  • 网络realism about relations;relation-realism
  1. 其关系实在论与科学实在论是相容的。

    His realism about relations is compatible to the scientific realism .

  2. 20世纪70年发展起来的社会存在本体论,其实质是关系实在论。

    The essence of the ontology of social being , which has developed since the 1970s , is the realism of relationship .

  3. 能量可以是生态系统一种关系实在论的终极存在。能量解释是生态系统知识统一性的终极解释。

    In the research of the ontology of ecosystem , we may regard the energy as the ultimate existence and explanation of a unification of knowledge .

  4. 怀特海的过程哲学以关系实在论、事件本体论和内在价值论建构起来,这正是对单子论和二元论的有力批判。

    Whitehead 's process philosophy , which is constructed with Realism in Relation , event ontology and axiology intrinsic value , serves as a vigorous criticism of Monadology and dualism .