
  • 网络Gwanda
  1. 津巴布韦关达绿岩带西北采矿区的金矿床

    Gold Deposits of the North Western Mining Camp , Gwanda Greenstone Belt , Zimbabwe

  2. 要不我就帮他在飞往关达那摩的飞机上安排下个座位。

    Or I book him the next seat on the flight to gitmo .

  3. 我转达了你的关达那摩湾恐吓。

    I delivered your Gitmo threat .

  4. 接受巴关达显将把旅程推向顶点,一个特殊的可供选择的火供(神圣的火仪式)将奉献给所有的学员。

    The tour will then culminate in the receipt of Sri Bhagavan 's Darshan . A special optional Homa ( sacred fire ritual ) will be offered to all participants .

  5. 如果从古巴关达那摩湾向南航行,最后会到一个状似泪珠的小岛,岛上没有海滩,没有水,也不见人烟。

    If you sail due south from Guantanamo bay , cuba , you will eventually come to a tiny tear-shaped island with no beaches , no water and no human beings .