
  • 网络Shut-in;Shut in
  1. 保证BOP上的阀门、压井管线、节流管线和节流管汇根据关井程序正确排列;

    Ensure the valves on the BOP , kill lines , choke lines and choke manifold are correctly lined up according to the Shut-in Procedure .

  2. 通常是环形原点的式样。关井环形空间测试法

    A pattern of regularly spaced circular spots . shut-in annulus test

  3. 未知油藏参数(h、Φ、Ct)时,采用两次开井生产,两次关井测稳态井底压力或岩心生产端压力方法,可以计算出岩心和油藏的启动压力梯度。

    If these reservoir parameters are unknown , adopting dual opening and closing in procedure to measure bottom hole stable pressure or pressure of producing end of core .

  4. 考虑关井后井筒存储效应的DST压力卡片的解释方法

    DST pressure history analysis with wellbore storage effect

  5. ④在流程管汇与井口之间设置了ESD紧急关闭阀,可实现瞬时关井。

    Fourth , ESD emergency shut-down valve is set between manifold and well head , which can be used for instant shut in .

  6. 目前注水开发油田矿场确定单井控制的平均地层压力真值不仅关井时间较长(长于2d),而且误差较大。

    The procedure to obtain the average reservoir pressure controlled by a single well used currently in oil fields developed under water flooding is time consuming ( longer than 2d ), and relatively larger error often occurs .

  7. 纤维的加入提高了防砂体的早期抗压强度(即固化12~24h时的抗压强度),作业占井周期由原来的关井4d缩短为2d;

    The added fibres strengthened the early compressive strength ( the com-pressive strength when curing for 12-24h ) , and operation period reduced from four days of shut in to two days .

  8. 在此基础上,考虑现场条件,统计大港油田35口井实测资料,提出关井时间可由流动系数确定:流动系数大于1μm2·m/(mPa·s)为5~8h;

    Actually measured data in 35 wells were gathered statistically and on this base it is suggested that when flow coefficient is larger than 1 μ m 2 · m / ( mPa · s ), well shut in time will be 5 8h ;

  9. 为改变目前LPR压控测试阀在开、关井过程中需要保压的局限性,研发了一种适应我国油田特点的新型全通径压控测试阀。

    To change the limit of LPR test valve which need annulus pressure to keep static in opening period , a new model pressure controlled full bore testing valve which is applied for our oilfields ' features is developed .

  10. M25井首次应用该工艺取得成功,在对上层抽汲求产的同时,对下层关井恢复,并可对作业全过程进行实时监控。

    The first time of applying this tech in M25 well is successful for swabbing and obtaining production to upper layer and acquiring build-up pressure data by closing well and monitoring all operation process on real time .

  11. 溢流关井时的水击压力及其影响因素

    The surge pressure in overflow well shut in and its influencing factors

  12. 低渗透气藏关井测压资料综合应用分析研究

    Integral analysis and Study on shut-in pressure data of low-permeability gas reservoirs

  13. 不关井压力恢复现代试井理论研究

    A Study of Modern Well Testing Theory about Unclosed-in Pressure Build Up

  14. 确定自然关井层产量的一种方法

    A Method to Determine Production Rate of Natural Shut-in Zones

  15. 对井涌关井气体升移的探讨

    Discussion on Gas Kick Moving in Shut - in Well

  16. 气井不关井压力恢复测试技术的应用

    Application of Non Shut-in Pressure Build - up Test Technique in Gas Well

  17. 生产油井关井后温度剖面的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation for shutdown temperature profile in Oil Wells

  18. 不关井连续生产柱塞气举排水采气工艺研究

    Plunger Lift Drainage Water Gas Production Technology Research for Well Startup Continuous Production

  19. 不关井干扰试井模型和解释方法研究

    Study for Disturbing Test Model With the Well Opening and Its Interpreting Method

  20. 最大允许关井套压值在节流管汇处以明显的标示牌标示。

    The maximum'allowed shut-in casing pressure shall be remarkably indicated on choke manifolds .

  21. 处理天然气溢流时如何控制关井套压

    How to control the shut-in casing pressure in the case of gas kick

  22. 高含水井关井时机及动态预测

    The Timing of Shut - in of High Water Cut Wells and Performance Prediction

  23. 油井大面积关井,油井利用率低。

    Large areas of oil wells have been closed , with low utilization ratio .

  24. 气举井不关井测试技术

    Non Shut-in Testing Technique in Gas Lift Well

  25. 由于大部分气井已经开始产水,有些气藏气井甚至水淹关井。

    Because many gas wells began to produce water , even s to pped .

  26. 压裂油井关井测压地层流动时间的计算方法

    A Calculating Method for Flow Time When Measuring Pressure in Closing Fractured Oil Well

  27. 考虑井筒相态变化的凝析气井关井静压计算

    Shut-in static pressure calculation of condensate gas wells considering phase behavior change in borehole

  28. 常规电缆地层测试器采用流动-关井测试方法,不能进行产能评价。

    Regular formation tester that adopted flow-shut in testing procedures can 't evaluate flow potential .

  29. 计算关井地层破裂压力允许值的新方法

    A New Method for Calculating Permissible Value of Fracture Pressure in Formation During Closing Wells

  30. 不关井稳定试井法的研究

    Study of Open Hole Systematic Well Testing