
  • 网络Key activities;Critical Activity
  1. 接入LiveMesh的新闻订阅系统,来为你的应用程序中的关键活动生成提醒。

    Plug in to the Live Mesh news feed system to generate notifications for key activities in your application .

  2. 当把我们的项目转为RUP后,我们会记录下其它项目中关键活动的日期,然后在我们的项目中创建出与那些活动紧密相关的新活动。

    When our project moved to RUP , we noted the dates for the key activities in their projects , and then set up new activities in our project to align with theirs .

  3. 这是任何项目的关键活动,需要全面的分析,因为两个RDBMS有内在差异,迁移可能不顺利。

    This is a critical activity in any project and requires a comprehensive analysis as the two RDBMS are inherently different and things might not work on the fly .

  4. 本文在研究软件再工程传统模型的基础上,吸收UML和RUP的思想,构建出基于UML和RUP的软件再工程的迭代、增量模型,并定义其阶段和关键活动。

    Based on researching the traditional software reengineering model , consult the cores of UML and RUP , design the iterative and increasing software reengineering model based on the UML and RUP , and define the phases and important actions .

  5. 为管理关键活动建立清晰的职责和义务。

    Establishing clear responsibility and accountability for managing key activities .

  6. 体系的透明度属于其中一项关键活动。

    The transparency of the system is one of the crucial activities .

  7. 大师秘会就是一个帮助地球实现这一目标的关键活动。

    Conclave is a pivotal event to help earth fulfill upon this goal .

  8. 本文对方法中的关键活动以及电子证据的存储进行了详细设计。

    We designed the key activities and the digital evidence storing in detail .

  9. 其它的关键活动应有复合或有相同程度的控制。

    Other critical activities should be witnessed or subjected to an equivalent control .

  10. 预测研究是人类生存和发展的关键活动。

    Study on prediction is a key activity for human survival and development .

  11. 这个引导流程执行三个关键活动

    This bootstrap process performs three key activities

  12. 识别关键活动在组织职能部门之间的介面界面。

    Identifying the interfaces of key activities within and between the functions of the organization .

  13. 本节描述虚拟机实例生命周期中的关键活动监控。

    This section describes monitoring key events in the lifecycle of a virtual machine instance .

  14. 验证关键活动持续时间与估计执行关键活动所需的人力相称;

    Verify that the duration for the key activities is commensurate with the manpower estimated to perform them .

  15. 重点论述了软件再工程活动中逆向工程、重构、正向工程三个关键活动。

    The main points of it are the three key activities : reverse-engineering , reconstructing and forward - engineering .

  16. 随着对业务关键活动越来越广泛和深入的了解,从监视流程中获得的价值也会不断增加。

    The value you get from monitoring increases as you gain broader and richer insight into business critical activities .

  17. 在时间控制中,主要讨论了工作流运行控制的时间参数和其中关键活动计算;

    Workflow key activities and their computation based on the workflow time parameter are discussed to strengthen the workflow response ability .

  18. 可变性建模是软件生产线工程的一项关键活动,能为软件开发者生成新的产品实例蓝图,促进软件复用,从而提高软件研制效率和产品质量。

    Modeling variability can generate new product blueprint for developers , promote software reuse , and thus improving software productivity and quality .

  19. 提出了基于频繁图模式挖掘的工作流频繁活动序列分析的方法,分析了质量管理过程中的关键活动链结构,辅助质量管理过程控制和改进。

    Critical activity execution structures are analyzed based on the frequent graph pattern mining technology , supporting the quality management process control and improvement .

  20. 参考软件工程的理论,把风险管理和需求管理作为信息工程监理中的两个关键活动。

    The task references the theories of the software engineering , risk management and requirement management are the key actions of the information engineering supervision .

  21. 企业在制定与实施发展战略的关键活动中,企业核心竞争力的有效培育和提升是战略制定成功的前提和保障。

    In the formulation and in the implementation enterprise strategy key activity , the core competition ability of enterprise cultivation and promoting is core management .

  22. 报告。平湖油气田工程现场进度控制是整个项目控制过程中的一个重要环节,平台建造是整个平湖油气田项目的关键活动之一。

    Site schedule control is an important link of whole project control , and platform fabrication is a critical activity of Pinghu oil and gas field development project .

  23. 在该进度报告中,指定分包商应向承包商提供所有延误的关键活动,及其预见的将会延误的关键活动。

    The nominated Sub-Contractor shall provide-the contractor of all critical activities in delay and any delays the nominated Sub-Contractor can foresee to future critical activities in this progress report .

  24. 同时,通过对活动的时间参数计算,在该网络图可以清晰地表示出关键活动、关键线路和总工期,从而快速地实现计划的评审、调整与优化。

    Meanwhile , through calculating the time parameters of activities , the critical activities clearly , the critical lines and total construction time are showed clearly in the network diagram .

  25. 文中阐释了以用户为中心的软件开发方法的概念、特点以及其实施中的基本原则和关键活动,并对传统的软件开发方法和以用户为中心的软件开发方法进行了比较研究。

    This paper introduces the concept and characteristics of UCD , basic principle and the key activity in the approach . The paper also conducts the comparison research to the traditional software method .

  26. 对这七个阶段我们都定义了主要的过程,每个过程都定义了关键活动,每个活动又定义了该活动所须遵循的规范和生成的文档。

    These seven stages , we defined the main processes , each process defines the key activities , and each activity defines the activities to be followed by the specification and the generated documentation .

  27. 项目管理就是把各种知识、技能、手段和技术应用于项目活动之中,以达到项目的要求,而知识共享则是项目团队有效运作地重要关键活动。

    Project management is to apply a variety of knowledge , skills , tools and techniques to project activities to meet the requirements of the project . The key to effective teamwork is knowledge sharing .

  28. 对软件再工程迭代、增量模型的各关键活动的任务和分析方法本文都进行了详细阐述,描述了此模型是如何分析现存系统,创建目标系统的各个细节和整个过程。

    The paper expatiates each important actions of the iterative and increasing software reengineering model , describes each detail and the whole process about the model how to analyze the old system and establish the new system .

  29. 项目管理是确保项目按时、按预算、保质量完成的一系列关键活动,它主要包括项目计划的制订和对项目按计划执行情况的跟踪、控制和动态调整。

    Project management is a series of key activities that guarantees time , budget and quality , it includes the formulation of the project plan , following , controls and dynamic adjustment of the implementation according to the plan .

  30. 指定分包商还应允许承包商和业主进入浇模场进行视听录像,以便不时捕获贯穿整个项目工期中的工程进度关键活动。

    The nominated Sub-Contractor shall also allow the contractor and employer to access the casting yard to conduct audio-visual video recording to capture critical activities of the progress of the works taken from time to time throughout the project duration .