
  1. 有些建筑的立面图能比平面图提供更多的信息。

    For some buildings a vertical section is more informative than a plan .

  2. 结果:MR相位速度图能准确地可重复地测量椎动脉的流速和流量。

    Results : The vertebroarterial blood flow could be measured with phase contrast map repeatedly and accurately .

  3. 结论:分析CT象素矩阵图能发现病灶内最小CT值,对鉴别肾上腺的腺瘤与恶性肿瘤具有重要的价值。

    Conclusion : CT pixel mapping can obtain the smallest CT attenuation value of the tumor and is useful in distinguishing adrenal adenomas from malignant tumors .

  4. 高频超声心动图能无创评价AMI大鼠的心脏的形态、结构、功能、血流情况。

    High frequency echocardiography can evaluate left ventricular morphology , structure , function , and flow of AMI rat .

  5. 应用GIS技术编制地质图能将地质体的地理位置与属性结合起来,根据实际需要准确、形象地将图形信息展现出来,帮助地质工作者进行地质辅助决策分析。

    Map in GIS technology can combine location with attributes of geological body , and show information accurately , it can assist the geological workers to decision-making analysis .

  6. 将电子图板所绘的图形插入到Word文档中,从而使一些工程图能准确的表达图形和工程尺雨,方便著书写论文写技术报告。

    Inserting figure that electronic drawing board paints in the word file thus make engineering drawing accurate expression figure and engineering size , and it is convenient to write books and the thesis .

  7. 证明每个G图能用Δ+2种颜色进行关联着色的ICC猜想对一些图的冠图是成立的。

    For some corona graphs , it is proved that the ICC conjecture is true which indicates that every graph G can be incidence colored with Δ + 2 colors .

  8. 介绍了剪切电子散斑干涉技术,借助计算机图像处理技术的帮助,物体受载后的位移和位移梯度干涉条纹图能通过CCD摄像机的摄取而获得。

    Introduced in the electric speckle shearography pattern interferometry . With the help of the technique of computer image processing , interferometric pattern of displacement or diplacement gradient can be obtained directly by CCD camera .

  9. 结论T2图能区分基于磁共振分级的OA严重程度,是膝关节OA病情监测的敏感手段。

    Conclusion T2 mapping can differentiate the OA severity of knee cartilage using a magnetic resonance staging , and therefore can be a sensitive technique for monitoring the severity of OA .

  10. 结论:RT-3DE较常规超声心动图能更准确地评价心肌梗死伴室壁瘤患者左心室容积及EF。

    Conclusion : RT-3DE is a more accurate for evaluation of LV volume and EF in patients with aneurysm combined with myocardial infarction .

  11. 不同类型肿瘤的CBF、CBV、MTT及PS值不尽相同,灌注伪彩图表现不同;PS图能清晰显示脑肿瘤的实质部分及微血管通透性。

    The values of CBF , CBV , MTT , PS were different in different tumor and PS images could clearly display essential part of brain tumors and capillary permeability .

  12. 结论脑CTP检查的MTT和TP图能敏感显示MCA重度狭窄或闭塞所致的脑灌注损伤,为脑缺血的诊断、治疗及预防脑梗死均具有重要价值。

    Conclusion MTT and TP were sensitive to depict the perfusion damage of brain caused by MCA severe stenosis or occlusion , and play an important role in diagnosis , treatment of cerebral ischemia , and prevention of cerebral infarct .

  13. 作为一个应用,说明了超出Owen和Hoffmann的三角分解方法之外的最简单的约束图能被转化为纯几何构造形式。

    As an application , the authors show that the simplest constrained graph which is beyond the scope of Owen and Hoffmann 's popular triangle decomposition methods can be transformed to purely geometric constructive form .

  14. 结论阻抗血流图能反映单纯性肥胖儿童的血液动力学变化,SBP、QS2、PEP、IVCT指标更敏感。

    Conclusion impedence cardiogram can reflect the hemodynamic changes in the children with simple obesity and SBP , QS2 , PEP and IVCT are better indexes than the others .

  15. 结果三维超声心动图能精确进行ASD面积测量,ASD面积变化率与RVEDV和RVEF分别呈中度正相关和中度负相关,ASD最大面积与最小面积存在高度相关性。

    Results 3-DE could precisely measure the ASD . ASD area change percentage correlated with RVEDV and 3-DE had negative correlation with RVEF . The maximum area correlated well with the minimum area .

  16. 有没有一个思维图能描述广义相对论中爱因斯坦得出的结论呢?

    Is there a thought-picture that describes his conclusions about general relativity ?

  17. 合作画概念图能帮助学习者进行协作知识建构;

    Collaborative concept mapping can promote the collaborative knowledge building ;

  18. 超声心动图能显示动脉变窄,以及受损的程度。

    An echocardiogram can reveal the narrowed artery and the extent of the damage .

  19. 结论:超声心动图能清晰地显示部分心包剥离术后迟发性心室疝形成形态学特征。

    Conclusions : Echocardiography can demonstrate morphologic features of late ventricular herniation after partial pericardiectomy .

  20. 从依据计算结果画出的全流场速度向量图能清楚地观察到流动的分离现象。

    The flow separation phenomena can be clearly observed from the computed velocity vector field .

  21. 结论超声心动图能准确诊断大动脉转位及伴随畸形,并提供部分血流动力学资料。

    Conclusion Color Doppler echocardiography can diagnose TGA correctly and provide the hemodynamic informations partly .

  22. 如果没有极小5色平面图能包含某个构形,就说此构形是可约的。

    A configuration is reducible if no minimal 5 chromatic plane graph can contain it .

  23. 获得的结构化植被因子指数图能较好地反映区域尺度植被覆盖状况。

    And the structured vegetation factor index theme can reflect the regional vegetation cover condition well .

  24. 能级图能帮助我们,理解电子填充,和键强的关系。

    This energy level diagram helps us understand the relationship between electron filling and bond strength .

  25. 结论经胸超声心动图能检出大部分左房血栓。

    Conclusion The TTE can check out most of left atrial thrombus in rheumatic heart disease .

  26. 实际应用结果表明,所生成的地质剖面图能满足矿山实际工程应用要求。

    Application results shows that the geological sections could meet the practical application need of the mine .

  27. 本文建立的导航图能协助智能体快速找到行走目标,进而及时解除危险。

    The established navigational charts agent can help quickly find a walking target , thus timely lift dangerous .

  28. 专门设计的实时温、湿度状态图能直观地表达各个测点的热湿状态。

    A special designed real time T-H chart was proposed to directly represent the thermal and psychrometric status .

  29. 本论文力图能为饮水产品行业理论界和实务界人士研究饮水产品开发决策提供有益的参考。

    This thesis tries to offer beneficial reference for the drinking products industry in theory and development strategy .

  30. 思维导图能有效地激发学生的学习兴趣、改进词汇记忆技巧。

    Mind maps can significantly evoke students ' English learning interest as well as improving their vocabulary memory skills . 3 .