
  • 网络Start date;Planned Start Date;Scheduled Start Date
  1. 每个计划都有一个计划开始日期和计划结束日期,这些日期构成了该计划的计划持续时间。

    Every plan has a planned start date and a planned end date , and these dates constitute the planned duration of the plan .

  2. 另请见计划开始日期和基准开始日期。

    See also scheduled start date and baseline start date .

  3. 请给“所选技术员”、“计划开始日期”或“计划结束日期”输入值,然后单击“保存”。

    Please enter values to either technicians selected or schedule start date or schedule end date and then save .

  4. 编辑页面的内容或其属性时,可以更改计划开始日期和计划结束日期。

    When you edit a page 's contents or its properties , you can change the scheduled start date and the scheduled end date .

  5. 在任务完成时,将计算比较基准计划开始日期和完成日期及实际开始日期和完成日期之间的差异。

    When tasks are completed , the variance is calculated between the baseline start and finish dates and the actual start and finish dates .

  6. 例如,不显示计划的开始日期和完成日期,可以显示工时和成本。

    For example , instead of displaying the scheduled start and finish dates , you can display the work and the cost .

  7. 选择频率、计划以及开始和结束日期,然后单击“确定”。

    Select the frequency , schedule , and start and end dates , and then click ok .