
  1. 农村部分计划生育奖励扶助制度的有效性研究

    Research into the Validity of the Rural Family Planning Reward and Help System

  2. 计划生育奖励优惠政策实行中几个问题的思考

    Reflections on the Issues in Carrying Out Rewarding and Supporting Policy in Family Planning

  3. 随后,各省市区纷纷出台计划生育奖励优待的政策措施,不断探索建立健全计划生育利益导向机制。

    Subsequently , the municipalities and regions have introduced policy measures in favor of family planning incentives and continue to explore the establishment of a sound family planning benefit-oriented mechanism .

  4. 通过对1979年以来496户弱势群体的现状调查,指出:农民的自我保障意识不强、计划生育奖励政策落实不到位、社会救助机制未建立完善是导致该群体处于弱势的主要原因。

    Based on the information from 496 disadvantaged families in the rural areas since 1979 , the article pointed out the causes of the groups farmers ' weak self-protection consciousness , governors ' failure to carry out the family planning encouragement policies , imperfect social aid system and so on .

  5. 《广东省农村部分计划生育家庭奖励办法》实施的意义

    On the Encouragement and Rewards System of the Families of Family Planning in Rural Guangdong

  6. 继续实施农村部分计划生育家庭奖励扶助制度和西部地区少生快富工程。

    We will continue to reward and support eligible rural families that comply with family planning regulations , and carry out the lower birthrate equals faster prosperity project in the western region .

  7. 农村部分计划生育家庭奖励扶助制度于2004年初开始在我国部分地区试点,2005年进一步扩大试点范围,2006年全面铺开。

    The system of encouragement and assist on partial rural families which have complied with the policy of family planning , started to try out at the beginning of the year 2004 , enlarged the areas further in 2005 , and put into practice comprehensively this year .

  8. 第四章主要规定了对实行计划生育公民给予奖励、优待,建立有利于计划生育的社会保障制度。

    The4th chapter basically stipulated to executing family planning the citizen gives award , give special treatment , build the social security system that is helpful for family planning .

  9. 2004年全国在十个地区开展了对农村部分计划生育家庭的奖励扶助制度试点工作,同期大连市自筹资金率先在东部地区实施了该项制度。

    From 2004 begin , China have brought into effect of encouragement and support for rural families practicing family planning in 10 cities as experimental units , in the corresponding period , Dalian city also brought into effect .

  10. 该政策对符合国家计划生育政策、年满60周岁的农村夫妇,在各地现行计划生育奖励优惠政策基础上,按每人每年不低于720元的标准发放奖励扶助金。

    The policy to comply with the national policy of family planning , 60 years of age in rural couples , in various parts of the current family planning incentives based on per person per year , according to the standards issued not less than 720 yuan reward will .

  11. 为解除农村计划生育家庭的后顾之忧,促进人口与计划生育事业的进一步发展,稳定低生育水平,广东省发出了《广东省农村部分计划生育家庭奖励办法》。

    To encourage the families following the family planning policy in the rural and consolidate the low fertility level in Guangdong , the province government worked out an encouragement and reward system .