
  1. 然后,搞第三个五年计划,是不是可以达到两千万吨呢?

    Then , with the fulfilment of the Third Five-Year Plan , can we make it 20,000,000 tons ?

  2. 从中华人民共和国成立直到第三个五年计划的完成,共有时间十八年。

    The period from the founding of the People 's Republic of China to the end of the Third Five-Year Plan covers eighteen years .

  3. 在第三个五年计划期内是否进行改革,要到那时看情况才能决定。

    Whether to proceed with them in the period of the Third Five-Year Plan can only be decided in the light of the situation at the time .

  4. 我看,这个问题的影响,不在第一个五年计划,而是在第二个五年计划,也许还在第三个五年计划。

    In my view , its effects will be felt not during the First Five-Year Plan , but during the Second , or perhaps the Third .