
  • 网络Third Order
  1. 之所以导致十四世纪至十五世纪对贝居因的大规模压制甚至还波及到第三会,其实质是教士与修士之间长期存在的矛盾爆发。

    Leading to 14 & 15th century large-scale suppression to Beguine that even affected to the Third Order , whose essence is that the contradiction there existing in long range between the clergyman and the friar breaks out .

  2. 我们在第三季会继续看到Lucas的宝贝妹妹Erica。

    We 'll be seeing a lot more of Lucas ' precocious little sister Erica in Season 3 .

  3. 拳击手在第三回会被打昏了。

    The boxer got knocked out in the third round .

  4. 我不会认为第三次会有什么不同。

    I don 't see how a third time 's gonna turn out any different .

  5. 新的敌人:郎纳尔在第三季会面临一位未知的新敌人。

    A New Enemy : Ragnar may face a new , unexpected opponent in Season 3 .

  6. 德意志第三帝国会赢。

    Third Reich would win .

  7. 在会计年度终了时,第三季会上升百分之二点五。

    A two and a half percent in the third quarter at the end of the fiscal year .

  8. 因为北京奥运的关系,第三批会延迟到八月九号哦!敬请原谅!

    Because of the Beijing Olympics , the third batch will be deferred to9th of August ! Please forgive !

  9. 问:你知不知道接下来在《星战》第三部里会在《星战》的人物身上发生什么事?

    QUESTION : Do you know what happens next for the Star Wars characters in Episode Three of Star Wars ?

  10. 第三季会在今年秋季播出(前两季是在夏季播出),会在今春开始制作。

    Season 3 will premiere in the fall ( the first two seasons aired during the summer ), and production will begin this spring .

  11. 或许《吸血鬼日记》第三季会多说些令人高兴的事、美妙的高中生活,少说些让人心痛的剧情呢。

    Perhaps season three will be more about happiness and high school fun and less about hearts being ripped out ( physically and emotionally ) .

  12. 第三行为会导致它们失去各自的抑制效果,这意味着第三种表面行为就是表示动物的行为。

    lose their inhibiting effect on that third behavior , which means that the third drive surfaces , it 's expressed in the animal 's behavior .

  13. 第三部分会把重心集中在部署管理和软件配置管理的购买主题,在第四部分将看到关于过程及项目管理购买的主题。

    Part III will focus on deployment management and software configuration management purchasing issues , and Part IV will look at issues surrounding process and project management purchases .

  14. 该行上周五称,第三季度会因房地产和其它证券的冲减计入5亿欧元亏损。

    On Friday , it said it would have a500 million euros loss in the third quarter as a result of write-downs on real estate and other securities .

  15. 连续两年财政税收下降,预计第三年会保持同样的势头,拮据的财政资金几乎消耗殆尽。在这样的条件下,州级和市级政府正尽一切可能弥补财政赤字。

    With two years of depressed tax revenues , a third one expected , and rainy day funds all but exhausted , state and city governments are having to close huge budget gaps .

  16. 也许你写了一个规范,希望第三方会制造不同颜色的耳机,因为火星人很挑剔塞在他们耳朵里的东西的颜色。

    Maybe you write up a spec , hoping that third parties will make different color headphones , since Marslings are very particular about the color of things that they stick in their earlings .

  17. 董事以其个人名义行事时,在第三方会合理地认为该董事在代表公司或者董事会行事的情况下,该董事应当事先声明其立场和身份。

    Where the directors act in their own names , and the third party reasonably considers the director is acting on behalf of the company or the board of directors , he shall declare his stance and identity in advance .

  18. 《王冠》第三季会飞跃到70年代中期,制作人将重塑重要角色来弥补时代的差异,克莱尔在这部剧中的戏份也差不多要结束了。

    Series three of ' The Crown " will jump forward to the mid-1970s and the producers are recasting the main roles to accommodate for the leap - meaning Claire 's time on the show has already come to an end .

  19. 第三,我们会有很棒的工具,让神奇的事情成为可能。

    And third , we 'll have great tools which will make amazing things possible .

  20. 对于能力模式和交付过程的创建中的第三步,会生成一个工作分解结构(workbreakdownstructure,WBS)。

    For the third step in the creation of the capability patterns and delivery processes , a work breakdown structure ( WBS ) is created .

  21. 在主客场双循环比赛过后,该小组的前两名将会直接进军2018年俄罗斯世界杯,而第三名则会与B小组的第三名进行附加赛。

    The top two of the group will advance to Russia 2018 directly after a home-and-away round-robin , and the third finisher will have a playoff against its counterpart in Group B.

  22. 然后是1s电子,那么第三个电子会是什么呢?是的?

    We then have the1 s2 electron , and what is our third electron going to be ?

  23. 市场研究机构markit推出了制造业和服务业产出综合指数,该指数基于八月份的采购经理人报告,预示第三季度gdp会进一步下降。

    A composite index of output in manufacturing and services from Markit , a research firm , based on purchasing-manager reports in July and August , is pointing to a further fall in GDP in the third quarter .

  24. 第三届奥运会在美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学。

    Third Olympiad is in USA Saint Louis University of Washington .

  25. 但我们来看看第三个选择会怎样?

    But let 's see what number three has to offer .

  26. 政府还将为安排第三次协调会。

    The Government will also make arrangements for the third time ACC.

  27. 在第三级你会学到更高级别的灵气疗愈技能。

    In third degree you 'll learn advanced reiki healing techniques .

  28. 到了第三天情况会更加严重。

    On the third day the symptoms are becoming more serious .

  29. 在第三,它会帮助您更好的了解。

    And in the third , it 'll get you look deeper .

  30. 第三,中国会继续其一帆风顺的崛起之路吗?

    Third , will China even continue its headlong rise ?