
  • 网络Income distribution reform;reform of income distribution
  1. 在收入分配改革的呼声中,处于风口浪尖的个人所得税改革被人们寄予厚望。

    In the voice of the reform of income distribution , the personal income tax reformation stands at the cusp is given great expectation .

  2. 近几年来,垄断行业的高薪酬现象一直饱受公众的批评,并且成为当前收入分配改革的重点领域。

    In recent years , the phenomenon of high salary in monopolized industries has attracted public criticism , become the key to the reform of income distribution field .

  3. 关于完善医院经济管理和职工收入分配改革方案的探讨

    Discussing of Improving Hospital Economic Management and the Proposal of Workers

  4. 收入分配改革是社会主义和谐社会建设的重要保障。

    Income distribution reform is the assurance to harmonious socialism construction .

  5. 中国收入分配改革胎动

    Reform in Chinese Income and Distribution System Quickens

  6. 中国政府发布收入分配改革新方案,将公众最为关切的贫富差距纳入其中。

    The Chinese government has unveiled new plans to reform income distribution amid growing public concern over the widening wealth gap .

  7. 第三,建立收入分配改革与通货膨胀的联系,为未来收入分配改革和货币政策实施提供决策参考。

    Thirdly , it builds the relationship of income distribution and the inflation , offering reference for the income distribution reform and the monetary policy .

  8. 2011年两会关注的热点再次集中在收入分配改革问题上,国家领导再次提出工作部署,要求加大收入分配改革力度。

    The government working meeting concerned again concentration in income distribution reform issue in 2011.Leaders puts forward the work deployment , demand increased income distribution reform .

  9. 近年来,随着收入分配改革措施的不断推行,不管是城乡之间,行业之间,还是地区之间,亦或是产业之间的收入差距都日益明显。

    In recent years , with the continued implementation of reform measures , not only the income gap between urban and rural areas , or between industry , also among the regions , or between industries is the growing .

  10. 机会平等理论是为了克服原初财产分配不均所造成的社会不会平等的指导原则,对于我国收入分配改革有直接的现实启示。

    Equality of opportunity theory is the guiding principle that overcome the capitalist social inequality , which is cause by the uneven distribution of property . And equality of opportunity can give us direct enlightenment on our reform of income distribution .

  11. 职工个人收入分配方面改革要从经营者入手。

    Income allotment for employees shall be reformed form the subsidiary managers .

  12. 铁路企业工资收入分配体制改革初探

    A Tentative Study into the Reform of Salary System in Railway Enterprises

  13. 推进社会事业、收入分配等改革。

    It will carry forward reforms in social programs and income distribution .

  14. 劳动价值论与收入分配体制改革

    The Theory of Labor Value and Reform of the System of Income Distribution

  15. 深化海事系统内事业单位收入分配制度改革探析

    Discussion on deepening the reform of income distribution system of maritime public institution

  16. 试论收入分配制度改革与和谐社会建设

    On the Reform of Income Distribution System and Construction of a Harmonious Society

  17. 与此同时,收入分配制度改革也逐步推进。

    At the same time , the income distribution system reform step by step .

  18. 二要深化垄断行业收入分配制度改革。

    The second is to deepen institutional reform of income distribution in monopoly industries .

  19. 深化收入分配制度改革,逐步理顺分配关系。

    We should deepen reform of the system for income distribution and progressively rationalize it .

  20. 深化收入分配制度改革,保障低收入群体的财产性收入

    Deepen the Reform of Income Distribution System , Protecting Low-income Groups in the Property Income

  21. 绩效工资能否稳妥有效地实施,是高等学校本轮收入分配制度改革的关键。

    Whether performance-related pay can be effectively implemented is the key of this round of reform .

  22. 要深化收入分配体制改革,努力缩小收入差距。

    We will deepen reform of the income distribution system and strive to narrow the income gap .

  23. 同时,推进事业单位收入分配制度改革。

    In addition , we will promote reform of the income distribution system in public service institutions .

  24. 对收入分配的改革?

    Reform of revenue distribution ?

  25. 我国科研机构收入分配制度改革的现状及存在的问题分析

    The Compensation & Benefit System Reform of Government Research Institutes : History , Status quo and Issues

  26. 进行收入分配体制改革攻坚是完善社会主义市场经济体制和构建主义和谐社会的重要内容。

    It is the momentous content for improving the socialist market economy and building a socialistic harmonious society .

  27. 再认识马克思的劳动价值论,是深化收入分配体制改革的客观要求。

    Re recognition of Marxist theory of labor value is the objective requirement of further reforming the income distribution system .

  28. 推进工资收入分配制度改革,建立收入分配的激励和约束机制。

    Promote the reform of the wage and income distribution system and establish an incentive and restraining mechanism for income distribution .

  29. 推动收入分配体制改革,增强居民购买力,稳定增加农民收入。

    Promote reform of income distribution system , increase purchasing power of residents and stabilize the increase of farmers ' income .

  30. 深化收入分配制度改革,就必须摒弃传统分配理论中的空想成分,深化对劳动和劳动价值理论的认识,从按劳分配走向按要素分配。

    Deepening the reform of distribution of income , we must have a good understanding of theory about labor and labor value .