
  • 网络urban sprawl
  1. 城市摊大饼式空间扩张的经济学动力机制

    Economic mechanism for urban spatial expansion

  2. 城市的扩展引发了城市问题的爆发,摊大饼式的发展模式,交通拥堵、环境恶化等已成为城市发展中的突出问题。

    With the development of city , many city problems explode , including large flatbread development pattern , traffic jam , environment deterioration .

  3. 北京的人口密度只有首尔的一半左右,它被六条环路层层环绕着,这种布局对人们驾车出行以及城市摊大饼似的向外扩张起了鼓励作用。

    It has about half of the population density of Seoul and is circled by six ring roads that encourage automobile use and urban sprawl .

  4. 当前在我国的城市化进程中,一些城市摊大饼式的发展道路滋生了城市功能混乱、人口大量集聚、城市无序扩张等城市问题。我国城市化进程研究

    Discussion and research on urban morphology and function have been continuing up to now with the development of city . On the Pace of Urbanization in China

  5. 面对城市单中心摊大饼式的发展模式所导致的城市蔓延、交通拥堵和环境污染等问题,国内外许多城市都选择多中心组团的发展模式。

    In the face of the problems of urban spread , traffic congestion and environment pollution caused by city development pattern of single center , many domestic and foreign cities choose the development pattern of multi-center group .

  6. 城市化是区域土地利用的主导过程,因此城市扩张过程一直是地理学研究的焦点,城市扩张的过程使得城市空间形态出现了许多问题(如见缝插针式的建设,摊大饼式的扩张)。

    Urbanization is a main process in region land use , and the urbanization research is always a hot issue for geographical scientists . In the process of Urban expansion , some problems of urban spatial morphology come out .

  7. 一般城市扩大的方式有两种:一是以老城区为基础,逐步向郊区扩展,俗称摊大饼;二是有计划地在老城区以外建设新城&城市新区或卫星城。

    General urban expansion in two ways : First , the old city gradually extended to the suburbs , commonly known as " pie "; outside the old city building of the New town-the new urban areas or satellite towns .

  8. 而与此同时,大城市人口过多、产业过密,为了转移产业与人口,拓展自身发展空间,一般采取摊大饼的方式向外扩展。

    But at the same time , the population of big cities over much and industry too close . In order to transfer industries and population , expand their development space . The disorder spread , occupied the fertile fields .

  9. 但是,我国大多数城镇都以摊大饼的模式向外无序发展,城镇的这种扩展模式,占用了大量的农业用地尤其是耕地,使得建设发展与耕地保护的矛盾日益尖锐。

    However , the majority of our towns sprawl outward disorderly . With this expansion mode , the towns take up a lot of agricultural land , especially farmland , make the contradiction between construction and farmland protection increasingly acute .

  10. 在平坦地势区域,城市以摊大饼形式扩张,紧凑度指数较高,可能获得较高的集聚效益,但是容易产生诸如城市病等一系列问题。

    In flat areas , cities expanses like making shells , the index of compactness is high , there is likely to be a project efficiency , while easy to birth a series of problems such as " city-sickness " .

  11. 城镇摊大饼式的盲目扩张,不仅造成了土地利用秩序紊乱、土地资源利用效率低下,也给生态环境保护和耕地资源的保护带来了巨大压力。

    The blind expansion of the city not only caused the disruption of land use , the low utilization efficiency of the land resource , also put huge pressure on the protection of the ecological environment and the protection of the cultivated land resource .

  12. 随着城市化进程的加快,摊大饼式的城市布局不再满足城市不断扩大的需求,卫星城与中心城组成城市组团结构的发展模式在我国大城市中被广泛运用。

    With the urbanization process accelerating , the " pie " of the city layout has no longer catch up with the demand of the city expansion , and many central cities bring forward the new development model which consisting of a central city and a number of satellite towns .