
  • 网络Amortized Cost Method
  1. 旧准则对投资的计量基本采用历史成本法,不存在操纵损益的空间,而新准则对四类金融资产采用了摊余成本法和公允价值计量法。

    Old criteria emphasis the use of historical cost , and there is no manipulation space , but the new standards for four types of financial assets using the amortized cost method and fair value measurement method .

  2. 持有至到期投资和应收账款、贷款运用摊余成本法,其本质与历史成本一样,而交易性金融资产和可供出售金融资产以公允价值计量。

    Held to maturity investments and accounts receivable , loans , amortized cost method used , the cost of its nature and history , as the transaction available for sale financial assets and financial assets at fair value .