
shōu zhī píng héng
  • break even;balanced budget;balance between income and expenditure;balance of financial revenue and expenditure;balance of income and outlay
收支平衡[shōu zhī píng héng]
  1. 基本医疗保险统筹基金收支平衡是深化医疗保险制度改革的基础,也是一项十分复杂的系统工程。

    The balance between income and expenditure of pooling funds of basic medical insurance is not only a basis of deepening reform of medical insurance system , but also a very complex system project .

  2. 热钱流入对我国经济的均衡发展、国际收支平衡、人民币汇率稳定及货币政策宏观调控的效果带来一定影响。

    " hot money " Rmb exchange rate , international balance between income and expenditure and the balanced development of flowing to enter for the economy of our country stabilize , and the effect of currency policy macro-control bring certain influence .

  3. 不过迫近的国际收支平衡危机也许是对总统的报应。

    Yet the imminent crisis in its balance of payments may be the President 's nemesis .

  4. 公司年收入需要达到500万英镑才能收支平衡。

    To cover its costs , the company will need an annual income of £ 5 million

  5. 上月泰勒的生意收支平衡,不亏不盈。

    Taylor 's business just managed to break even last month .

  6. “你今年的经济情况如何?”“勉强收支平衡。”

    “ How did you come out this year , financially ?” “ I barely made both ends meet . ”;

  7. 我希望收支平衡。

    I hope that the figures for income and costs balance out .

  8. 我们只得削减开支以使收支平衡。

    We shall have to trim our spending down to fit our income .

  9. 我生活在极普通的工人家庭。我的父母很早就开始生儿育女。我感觉他们最大的能力无非就是找到一份工厂的工作,并随着家庭成员的增加而努力维持收支平衡。

    My parents started having kids very young , and I felt they were never able to achieve more than getting a factory job , and trying to make ends meet as their family grew .

  10. 基于GIS技术的中国农田钾素养分收支平衡研究

    Balance of Farmland Potassium Nutrient Input / Output in China Based on GIS

  11. IMF与WTO法律关系之研究&以国际收支平衡为视角

    The Relation Between IMF and WTO Law & The Balance of International Income and Pay as Viewpoint

  12. 本文旨在研究外商直接投资(FDI)对中国国际收支平衡产生的影响。

    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of FDI on China 's balance of international payments .

  13. 印度国际收支平衡案专家组将与IMF磋商看作可以自由裁量的内容值得商榷。

    It is open to discussion that Indian experts consider the negotiation with IMF free to interpret .

  14. 拉赫曼认为,FairFinance可以在经营到第5年时达到收支平衡。他正准备吸引私人投资者的资金。

    Mr Rahman believes Fair Finance can break even on its operations by its fifth year and is preparing to pitch for money from private investors .

  15. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)就银行资产收支平衡表和收益表,征收新税的提议,旨在避免未来再出现大规模政府援助。

    The IMF proposed a scheme for co-ordinated global taxes on banks'balance-sheets and profits to help pay for the cost of bail-outs .

  16. 国际收支平衡是IMF与WTO法律关系的联结点,二者关系的密切性决定其合作的必要性。

    The balance of international income and pay is the joint of IMF and WTO law . The close relation decides the necessity of their cooperation .

  17. 分部门的收支平衡状况(以部门收入与支出之差与国内生产总值(GDP)之比衡量)可以支持这个观点。

    The point can be made by looking at sectoral financial balances ( the difference between sectoral income and spending , as shares of gross domestic product ) .

  18. 总部设在瑞士的aig私人银行首席执行官魏尔德(peterwild)表示,这个台湾分支机构应该在2008年底达到收支平衡。

    Peter wild , the chief executive of AIG private bank , which is based in Switzerland , said the Taiwan branch should break even by the end of 2008 .

  19. 提高imf的合法性,将有助于imf更有效地维持国际金融稳定,推行合理的宏观经济政策,并协助其成员调整国际收支平衡。

    Increasing legitimacy will help make the IMF more effective in maintaining international financial stability , promoting sound macroeconomic policies and assisting with balance of payments adjustment among its members .

  20. 然后在今年的盈利状况达到大约收支平衡后,Netflix已承诺要在2017年获得可观的全球利润。

    And after running roughly at break-even profitability through this year , Netflix has pledged to deliver material global profits starting in 2017 .

  21. 另外,根据预测,经合组织至少有8个成员国2007年至2010年间的私人部门收支平衡转移将超过GDP的10%(见图表)。

    Moreover , the shift in the private sector balance between 2007 and 2010 is forecast to exceed 10 per cent of GDP in no fewer than eight OECD member countries ( see chart ) .

  22. 巨灾对受灾国家的就业、债务、国际收支平衡、汇率等宏观经济指标造成巨大的负面影响,这种负面影响集中体现在受灾国家的GDP下降。

    Catastrophes have huge negative impacts on a country 's employment , debts , balance-of payments and exchange rate , etc , and the negative impacts can be seen as loss in terms of GDP change .

  23. 该机构预计,由于油价下跌,明年俄罗斯的经常账户赤字将占到其国内生产总值(gdp)的2.6%,给国际收支平衡带来进一步的压力。

    The agency expects Russia to run a current account deficit next year of 2.6 per cent of gross domestic product due to the oil price fall , putting further pressure on the balance of payments .

  24. 由于外汇措施和贸易措施具有交叉性质,IMF与WTO在实践中形成了以技术方法来确定IMF在国际收支平衡问题上管辖权的传统。

    Due to the intersection character of measures concerning foreign currency and trade , IMF and WTO have formed in practice the tradition that jurisdiction of IMF in international balanced budget is determined with technical methods .

  25. 从2007年到2009年,泡沫国家的私人部门收支平衡预计会大幅转向盈余,其中,爱尔兰和西班牙的转移幅度将分别达到GDP的15.8%和14%(见图表)。

    Between 2007 and 2009 , private sector balances of bubble countries are forecast to swing dramatically towards surplus , by 15.8 per cent of GDP in Ireland and by 14 per cent in Spain ( see chart ) .

  26. 艾伯塔大学(UniversityofAlberta)经济学家,研究能源政策的教授安德鲁·里奇(AndrewLeach)说,美国的数据高估了收支平衡点,因为其中计入了石油生产商12%的利润率。

    Andrew Leach , an economist and professor of energy policy at the University of Alberta , said that the American figure inflated the break-even point by including a 12 percent profit margin for oil producers .

  27. 其中,GNP较快增长和国际收支平衡是基本的因素,政府的积极干预则是最直接的力量。

    Of the factors , the GNP increase and the balance of international income and outgo are basic ones , while the government 's active intervention is the direct force .

  28. 不过,考虑到中国外汇储备的庞大规模(接近其GDP的50%)以及该国经济的高速增长,它应该寻求的是对外收支平衡(如果不是赤字的话),而不是占GDP4%的盈余。

    Yet , given the vast scale of its reserves ( close to 50 per cent of GDP ) and its rapid growth , China should seek external balance , if not a deficit , rather than a surplus of 4 per cent of GDP .

  29. 仪表盘可以利用各种模型,包括净现值(NPV)、附加经济值(EVA)和内部回报率(IRR)来执行详细的ROI、偿还,或收支平衡分析。

    The dashboard can perform a detailed ROI , payback or breakeven analyses using various models including Net Present Value ( NPV ), Economic Value Added ( EVA ) and Internal Rate of Return ( IRR ) .

  30. 然而随着NHS近几年步入窘境,压力越来越大,NHS要保持收支平衡,确保每个享受医疗服务的人都做了贡献。

    However , with the NHS struggling in recent years , theres been more pressure to balance the books , and make sure that everyone who is accessing public care is contributing towards it .