
  • 网络TWT;traveling wave tube amplifier;TWTA
  1. 行波管放大器相位噪声的分析及其抑制

    The Analysis and Reduction of TWTA 's Phase Noise

  2. 发射机是电子干扰系统的重要组成部分,它的核心部件是行波管放大器。

    The transmitter is an important component of the electronic jamming system , TWTA is its heart .

  3. W波段回旋行波管放大器速度零散的分析

    Analysis on velocity spread of a w - band gyrotron traveling wave amplifier

  4. Ka波段耦合腔行波管放大器设计

    The Design of Ka-band Coupled-cavity Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier

  5. 损耗介质加载结构Ka波段TE(01)模回旋行波管放大器稳定性的分析

    Stability Analysis of Ka-band TE_ ( 01 ) - mode Gyrotron Traveling Wave Amplifier with Lossy Dielectric-Load Waveguide

  6. 对8mm基波回旋行波管放大器进行了研究。

    An 8 mm fundamental wave gyro traveling wave tube is studied .

  7. 用这种设计技术成功设计出了多种耦合腔行波管放大器,在功率和体积方面突破了原有的Ka波段固态和螺旋线行波管放大器的局限,取得了明显的进步。

    The technology advancement achieved in the radar programs is being leveraged to design Ka-band amplifiers that surpass power limitation of existing solid state or helix TWT systems .

  8. 该文对气象卫星行波管放大器用EPC的可靠性进行了分析,给出了其可靠性参数λ,MTBF的评估方法。

    This paper , analyzes on the reliability of EPC used in weather satellite and the estimations of its A and Mean Time Between Failures ( MTBF ) are given .

  9. 通过包含速度零散影响的回旋行波管放大器的非线性理论模型,以W波段两段结构回旋行波管放大器为例,详细分析了速度零散对放大器电子注&波互作用的影响。

    By the nonlinear theory model of gyrotron traveling wave amplifier in which the influence of velocity spread is contained , the effect of velocity spread on the interaction between electron beam and wave for a W-band gyrotron traveling wave amplifier was studied .

  10. 提出了一种基于查询表和非直接学习结构的适用于行波管放大器(TWTA)的基带预失真器。

    Based on look-up table ( LUT ) and indirect learning architecture , a baseband predistorter was proposed for travel wave tube amplifier ( TWTA ) .

  11. 介绍了S波段基于行波管放大器的2kW连续波功率合成技术。

    This paper introduces the 2 kW continuous wave power combining technique based on TWTs .

  12. 利用线性理论对回旋行波管放大器进行了稳定性分析。

    The linear theory is used to analyze stability of gyro-TWT .

  13. 连续波行波管放大器功率/增益与相位自动扫频测量系统

    A Power / Gain and Phase Automatic Test System for CW-TWTs

  14. 行波管放大器中的电子混沌现象

    Chaotic electron motion in a traveling-wave tube amplifier

  15. 残存气体和材料的气化微粒对通信卫星用行波管放大器的危害

    Harm of survival gas and minute particle to communication satellite travelling wave tube amplifier

  16. 行波管放大器中辐射场的极限环振荡和混沌

    Limit cycle oscillating and chaos of the radiation field in a traveling wave tube amplifier

  17. 回旋行波管放大器是高功率毫米波雷达发射系统最重要的候选者。

    Gyrotron traveling wave amplifier is a very important high power millimeter wave source for radar applications .

  18. 行波管放大器中场极限环和混沌行为的阈值分析

    Threshold analysis for the limit cycle and chaotic oscillation of the radiation field in a traveling wave tube amplifier

  19. 基于小波分析的载波相位双差周跳检测连续波行波管放大器功率/增益与相位自动扫频测量系统

    Cycle-Slip of Carrier Phase Double-Difference Based on Wavelet Analysis A Power / Gain and Phase Automatic Test System for CW-TWTs

  20. 该文给出了一种三段式互作用结构谐波倍增回旋行波管放大器互作用电路的理论设计过程。

    In this paper , the design procedure of a harmonic multiplying Gyro-TWT with three stage interaction circuits is presented .

  21. 空间用高压绝缘组件(简称高压组件)是行波管放大器功率传输的关键部件。

    High-voltage insulators for space application is the key components affecting the reliability of power transmission of the travelling wave tube amplifier ( TWTA ) .

  22. 与传统的行波管放大器相比,线性固态功率放大器具有体积小、动态范围大、功耗低、寿命长等一系列优点。

    Relative to the class Traveling Wave Tub , it has some advantages , such as , little volume , large dynamic range , low power dissipation , long natural life .

  23. 文章讨论了行波管放大器的非线性特性,研究了预失真和前馈线性化技术,提出一种利用预失真与前馈法相结合的新方法来对行波管进行线性化。

    The present paper presents a new method for restraining the light lasing of the travelling-wave optical amplifier by means of the combination of dip and taper angles in the structure of the device .

  24. 以行波管放大器中辐射场的非线性不稳定阈值分析为基础,对辐射场从频率分叉到混沌的演化过程和不同区域这些非线性不稳定态的时间特性和频率特性进行了研究。

    In this paper the evolution of the radiation field from frequency bifurcation to chaos and the temporal and frequency characteristics of the nonlinear unsteady states are investigated , based on the threshold analysis of nonlinear instability for the radiation field in a traveling wave tube amplifier .

  25. 行波管功率放大器(TWTA)是卫星通信星载系统中重要的高功放元件,TWTA的非线性特性会使多载波信号产生交调成份,导致交调失真、邻道干扰,影响通信系统的性能。

    TWTA ( Traveling-wave tube amplifier ) is one of the most important HPA components in satellite communication system . The nonlinear feature of TWTA results in the creation of intermodulation , which can cause intermodulation distortion , adjacent channel interference , and affects the performances of communication system .

  26. 回旋行波管中波型耦合系数的计算对8mm基波回旋行波管放大器进行了研究。


  27. 利用PIC粒子模拟程序对放大器中的电子注-波互作用过程进行了详细的分析和讨论,获得了回旋行波管稳定工作的物理图像,完成了8mm基波回旋行波管放大器高频系统的初步设计。

    Employing a PIC code , the interaction between electron beam and wave is simulated and discussed in detail , and the primary design is presented .