
  1. 尼日利亚全国独立选举委员会主席莫里斯称这是尼日利亚有史以来最好的一次选举,而外国观察员的评论与此截然相反。

    Their comments are in marked contrast to the Chairman of Nigeria 's Independent National Election Commission , Maurice Iwu , who said that this was the best election Nigeria has ever had .

  2. 尼日利亚沦为英国殖民地后,英国统治者通过间接统治方式将普通法移入尼日利亚,尼独立后继受并保留了英国的普通法及衡平法原则。

    The British common law and the principle of equity were accepted and retained in Nigeria after its independence , the result of which made the British common law arbitration a part of Nigerian legal system .