
  • 网络nigel
  1. “Nickel”这一单词是德语尼格尔铜的简写。

    The word " nickel " is short for the German word kupfernickel .

  2. 伊其反对,但他的儿子尼格尔却站在伊利尔那一边。

    Enki opposes , but his son Nergal sides with Enlil .

  3. 尼格尔和尼奴塔毁灭了太空船发射降落场和周游的迦南城市。

    Nergal and Ninurta destroy the spaceport and the errant Canaanite cities .

  4. 四兄弟亚伦、扎卡利、尼格尔和尼克均在拉克塔东部高中就读,他们四人在其学校论文中提到了四胞胎的相关经历。

    The Lakota East High School seniors Aaron , Zachary , Nigel and Nick Wade in their college essays , wrote about being a quadruplet .