
ɡāo jí lǜ shī
  • barrister
  1. 被选出为英国统治者服务的高级律师。

    A barrister selected to serve as counsel to the British ruler .

  2. 通过所有考试,满足一些条件成为高级律师。

    To pass examination and fulfil certain requirement to become a barrister .

  3. 而剑桥叛逆者(DissentingCambridge)们也提名了他们自己的候选人,高级律师迈克尔·曼斯菲尔德(MichaelMansfield)。

    Dissenting Cambridge fellows nominated their own candidate , Michael Mansfield , a senior lawyer .

  4. 本周发表在《乔治华盛顿法律评论》(GeorgeWashingtonLawReview)上的一项研究表明,初级合伙人与高级律师报告的幸福感一般无二,尽管后者的薪酬低了62%。

    Junior partners reported well-being that was identical to that of senior associates , who were paid 62 percent less , according to the study , which was published this week in the George Washington Law Review .

  5. 共和党人兼高级律师参议员林赛·格雷汉姆是参与回见阿卜杜拉的随行人员,她说约旦不会从与ISIS的战斗中撤出。

    Sen. Lindsey Graham , R-S.C. , who was among those who met with Abdullah , said Jordan will not be withdrawing from the fight against ISIS .

  6. 微软互联网安全执行团队的高级律师亚伦•科恩布卢姆(AaronKornblum)表示:对于全球的知名商标而言,域名抢注是一个日益严重的问题。我们希望引导其它商标所有者,鼓励它们采取行动。

    Cybersquatting is a growing problem for brands around the world and we hope to educate other brand holders and encourage them to take action , said Aaron Kornblum , senior attorney on Microsoft 's internet safety enforcement team .

  7. 知道与一位高级律师结婚的情形了吧?

    See what happens when you marry a top lawyer ?

  8. 协助高级律师顾问办理公司保险事宜;

    Assist the senior legal counsel for insurance matters of the company ;

  9. 在英格兰和威尔士高级律师在所有法院都有发言权利。

    Barrister have right of audience in all court in england and wales .

  10. 英格兰和威尔士对高级律师管理的组织。

    The ruling body of English and Welsh barrister .

  11. 多数法官是高级律师,但他们不能作为高级律师开业。

    The majority of judgers are barrister , but they cannot practise as barrister .

  12. 本人的儿子同心专心想当个高级律师。

    Example : My son has had his heart set on becoming a senior lawyer .

  13. 他说房主收到了一封由高级律师以我的名义发的邮件

    he said they 'd received an e-mail on my behalf from a top attorney ,

  14. “我听说你们两个也准备为我们作战,”高级律师说。

    " I hear the two o'you are going to fight for us ," the serjeant said .

  15. 还要注意:只能由初级律师向高级律师提供案情,社会公众的成员绝对不能这样做。

    Note also that barrister should be instructed only by solicitor and never by member of the public .

  16. 朱莉·塞缪尔是电子领域基金会美国公民自由组织的一名高级律师。

    Julie Samuels is a Senior Staff Attorney with the U.S. civil liberties group , Electronic Frontier Foundation .

  17. 基本条件是:法官必须连续做过10年高级律师或初级律师工作的人。

    The minimum requirement is that one should be a barrister or solicitor of ten years ' stand .

  18. 该组织的高级律师布莱德·海夫斯为自由辩护,并支持这项裁决。

    Bred Haves , senior counsel of the group of the alliance defending freedom and backs for ruling .

  19. 如果你有钱能请得起高级律师,他们几乎可以使你逃脱任何罪责。

    If you 've got the money to pay for top lawyers , they can get you offalmost anything .

  20. 一位收入丰厚的高级律师常常表达她的焦虑情绪,担忧她如果不再当律师了就会露宿街头。

    A well-paid senior lawyer frequently expresses anxiety that if she left her job she would be out on the street .

  21. 修女戴在面纱下或战士戴在头盔下的帽子,或英国高级律师戴的帽子。

    A skullcap worn by nuns under a veil or by soldiers under a hood of mail or formerly by British sergeants-at-law .

  22. 新闻集团的一名高级律师被撞倒,抗议者被铐上手铐带出质询室,质询暂停。

    A senior News Corp lawyer was knocked off her feet , the protester was taken out in handcuffs and the hearing was briefly suspended .

  23. 后来她离开了研究所,去了哈佛法学院,现在已经是一家大的环境组织的高级律师。

    She later dropped out of graduate school , went to Harvard Law School and is now a senior lawyer for a major environmental organization .

  24. 出庭为委托人辩护,初级律师或高级律师出庭为委托人进行辩护我的儿子一心想当个高级律师

    Of a barrister or solicitor to come to court to represent a client My son has had his heart set on becoming a senior lawyer

  25. 报告实际上将渣打的高级律师以及合规主管们置于电汇代码消除阴谋的核心,而当时该行的外部法律顾问曾给出与内部律师相反的意见。

    Indeed , the order puts the bank 's senior attorneys and compliance officers at the heart of the wire stripping scheme , even when outside counsel advised otherwise .

  26. 巡回刑事法院的兼职法官可以作为高级律师开业。第十三条国家机关的现职工作人员不得兼任执业律师。

    Recorders are practising barristers who act as judges on a part - time basis . Article 13 An in-service functionary in a State organ shall not concurrently practice as a lawyer .

  27. “这对于我来说的言外之意是,为了降低有毒空气的污染,保护公共安全,我们还有很长的路要走”自然资源保护委员会的高级律师约翰沃尔克说。

    " The implication for me is we still have a long way to go to reduce toxic air pollution to protect the public ," said John Walke , a senior attorney at the Natural Resources Defense Council .

  28. dechert驻香港高级助理律师李科升(leekhersheng,音译)表示,代表全行业的集体行动,有助于确保客户评估在所有中介机构的连贯性。

    Collective action on behalf of the industry helps to ensure that customer assessments are conducted in a consistent way across all intermediaries , says Hong Kong-based lawyer Lee kher Sheng , a senior associate with Dechert .

  29. 这事本不该找你这样高级的律师。

    I probably should have gone to a less senior staff attorney .

  30. 周末时间去拜访一下高级辩护律师。

    Calling in a high powered security attorney in the spend of a weekend .