
  • 网络Customs territory;Customs area
  1. 本协定和多边贸易协定中使用的“国家”一词应理解为包括任何WTO单独关税区成员。

    The terms " country " or " countries " as used in this Agreement and the Multilateral Trade Agreements are to be understood to include any separate customs territory Member of the WTO .

  2. 部长级会议审议有关国家或单独关税区加入《WTO协定》的申请时,应考虑筹备委员会的报告。

    The report of the Preparatory Committee shall be taken into account by the Ministerial Conference in its consideration of any application by the State or separate customs territory concerned to accede to the WTO Agreement .

  3. CEPA的调整对象也具有双重性,即调整一国国内不同关税区之间的经济关系和WTO不同成员之间的贸易关系。

    The objects of the CEPA also have a dual nature , i.e. , the economic relationships between the two customs territories in the same country and the trade relationships between the two WTO members .

  4. 2002年1月1日台湾作为单独关税区成为WTO成员后,我国形成了一国四席的新格局。

    After Taiwan became a member of WTO as a separate tariff zone on Jan , 1,2002 , there are four members of WTO in a certain country , China . As a result , the economic was to develop in a new way .

  5. 中华人民共和国的单独关税区不适用本法。

    This Law shall not apply to the separate customs territories of the People 's Republic of China .

  6. 欧盟的扩大,意味着欧盟这一共同关税区的扩大,特别是中东欧市场的准入条件将发生重大的变化。

    Its eastward expansion means not only the extension of common tariff region but the significant change of admittance conditions to Middle / East European market .

  7. 石广生:中国和中国台北单独关税区先后加入世贸组织以后,为两岸经贸关系的发展提供了契机。

    A : The accession to the WTO of China and China 's Taipei Separate Customs Territory has provided both sides across the Straits with development opportunities .

  8. 根据《基本法》,香港会维持独立关税区的地位。我们会保障知识产权,并坚决维护对策略商品交易实施的国际管制。

    Under the basic law , Hong Kong remains a separate customs territory , we protect intellectual property rights , and we uphold international controls on trade in strategic commodities .

  9. 根据经济一体化程度的不同,将其划分为特惠关税区、自由贸易区、关税同盟、共同市场、货币与经济联盟和完全的经济一体化等六种不同的类型。

    Based on the difference of economic integration , it is divided into six types : special tariff zone , free trade zone , tariff union , common market , currency and economic liaison and complete economic integration .

  10. 中国商务部表示,香港单独关税区地位的法律基础源自世贸组织协定,且获得其他成员认可,不是来自某一成员的单独赋予。

    The Chinese Commerce Ministry says Hong Kong 's status as a separate customs territory is established in WTO multilateral rules and recognized by other WTO members , rather than it being granted by any specific WTO member alone .

  11. 原产地规则,是指为确定货物的原产地,由国家、单独关税区或区域贸易集团以法律、法规、行政决定或国际协定的方式制定的规则或标准。

    Rules of origin , is to determine the origin of the goods by the state , a separate customs territory , or regional trade groups to laws , regulations , administrative decisions or international agreements of the way the rules or standards .

  12. 当国内两地区的代表性企业存在出口竞争时,国内产品市场的整合阻力与出口优惠额、壁垒设置成本成反比,与进口国关税、区际贸易运输成本成正比。

    When two enterprises in different regions compete for exporting , the resistance of market integration is inversely proportional to margin preference of export , the cost of implementing market segmentation , and proportional to tariff of import country , transportation cost in inter-provincial trade .

  13. 满宏卫是在向到访的香港政府和业界代表讲话时发表上述言论的。这些代表访问北京,是希望找到重振这个低关税特别行政区在游客中声誉的途径。

    Mr Man 's remarks came in a speech to visiting Hong Kong government and industry representatives in Beijing to find ways to restore the low-tariff Special Autonomous Region 's reputation among travellers .

  14. 埃森的德意志关税同盟煤矿工业区

    Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex in Essen