
  • 网络potential drop
  1. 结果表明,不同的阴极导杆安装方法对导流槽阴极的总电位降大小没有明显影响,但是水平阴极导杆安装更有利于阴极表面电流密度的均匀分布。

    The results show that , there is no obvious variation of the influence of different collector bar installations on the cathode potential drop , but the current distribution will be relatively evener when the cathode collector bar is horizontally installed .

  2. 池腔几何结构的合理设计使电位降和边缘效应降至最低。

    The geometry of the cell cavity was carefully designed to minimize the ohmic potential drop and edge effect .

  3. MFS结构铁电薄膜C-V特性的研究及界面电位降的计算

    Studies on the C-V characteristics and calculated of voltage drop at interfaces in MFS structure ferroelectric film

  4. 由修正的经验幂定律和I-V曲线近似公式算出的界面电位降Vi与由C-V曲线理论得出的结果一致。

    The voltage drop at the interface , V I , obtained from the empirical power law and the approximate calculation of the I V curve is consistent with that obtained form the C V curve theory .

  5. 在层状铁电薄膜二极管中的界面电位降

    Voltage Drop at the Interface in Multilayer Ferroelectric Films Diode

  6. 电位降法测量接地电阻时电流极引线长度的影响

    Influence of Length of Current Electrode in Grounding Resistance Measurement by Fall-of-Potential Method

  7. 层状结构铁电薄膜中频率对界面电位降的影响

    The Effect of the Frequency on the Voltage Drop of Interface of Multilayer Ferroelectric Film

  8. 溶液欧姆电位降的补偿欧姆电位降对蚀孔成长初期动力学规律的影响

    Dual-reference electrodes method of iR_u compensation THE EFFECT OF OHMIC POTENTIAL DROP ON THE KINETICS OF PIT GROWTH

  9. 也给出了测定膜上电位降和鉴定气泡效应的的装置。

    The devices for determination of voltage drop across membrane and for identification of ges blinding effect are also presented .

  10. 界面电位降与测量电容、薄膜电容及耗尽层电容有关。

    The voltage drop of interface is relevant to the measured capacitance , the film capacitance and the depletion capacitance .

  11. 结果给出了电子和离子密度,以及电子温度、轴向电位降的分布情况,并进行了简要的分析。

    We give the electron and ion density , the electron temperature and the potential drop in the three different cases .

  12. 这表明,欧姆电位降是影响孔蚀发展初期动力学规律的一项重要因素。

    It can be concluded that the ohmic potential drop is an important factor which has the influence over the pit growth kinetics .

  13. 基于膜破裂滑移溶解机制导出的裂纹平均扩展速率关系式,结合电站运行工况的系统监测,运用反向直流电位降技术实现裂纹扩展的现场实时监测。

    On-line monitoring of crack propagation is achieved based on the relationship for average crack propagation rate derived from film rupture-slip dissolution mechanism and using reversing DC potential drop technique .

  14. 在此基础上,计入n~-区内的电位降,计算了商用发光二极管p~+-n~--n结构的势垒分布,为整体结构的参数优化准备了必要的条件。

    Based on this , and taking the potential drop within the n - region into account , the barrier distribution of a p + - n & n structure used in commercial light emitting diodes has been calculated , which prepared a necessary condition for optimizing the structural parameters .

  15. 埋地管道阴极保护电位IR降评估方法的研究

    Evaluation modeling of IR drops for CP potential of buried pipeline

  16. EMA的用量达到一定值时,蜡晶表面ζ电位不随降凝剂含量的增加而变化。

    However , when the dosage of EMA reached a certain value , the ζ potential at the surface of the wax crystallites remained stable regardless the dosage of EMA .

  17. 闪光视觉诱发电位监测甘露醇降颅压效果的临床研究

    Clinical observation of mannitol therapeutic treatment on high intracranial pressure patients by flash visual evoked potentials