
diàn yǐnɡ yǎn yuán
  • film actor/actress
  1. 我曾渴望成为一名电影演员。

    I yearned to be a movie actor .

  2. 那位女电影演员放弃事业而结婚了。

    The film actress gave up her career and married .

  3. 那位做电影演员替身的杂技演员驾驶着飞机翻过来又倒过去,差一点撞着平顶房的屋顶。

    The stuntman flew the aircraft upside-down within a hair 's breadth of the rooftops .

  4. 好莱坞关于这条蟒蛇的版本纯粹是一种幻想——它是一条想吃掉这些B级电影演员的长100英尺的水蟒。

    Hollywood 's version of the snake was pure fantasy - a 100 foot long giant with an appetite for B-movie actors .

  5. 去年3月电影演员和活动家DanaReeve之死使这个话题成为热点。

    The death of actress and activist Dana Reeve last March put the issue into the spotlight .

  6. 尽管在某种程度上,他是被一群陌生人放逐出了自己的岛屿,但他没有放弃心爱的道师城。他继续生活在这里,娶了美丽的舞蹈演员兼电影演员达利娅·哈尔普林(DariaHalprin),生下了我妹妹卢森娜(Ruthanna)。

    Though in a manner of speaking he had been voted off his own island by a bunch of strangers , he refused to abandon his beloved Taos and kept going , marrying the extraordinarily beautiful dancer and actress Daria Halprin .

  7. 我要把英语说得和美国电影演员一样!

    I will speak English as well as American movie stars .

  8. 嘉宝自然的气质使她在众多的无声电影演员中脱颖而出。

    Garbos natural manner distinguished her from more histrionic silent actors .

  9. 这位女电影演员的婚姻引起了公众的极大关注。

    The film actress 's marriage got a lot of publicity .

  10. 并使李小龙成为有名的国际电影演员。

    It made Bruce Lee an internationally famous movie star .

  11. 1937年,他来到加利福尼亚成为一名电影演员。

    In1937 , he moved to California and became a movie actor .

  12. 里根很快就使自己成为一位大有前途的电影演员。

    Reagan quickly established himself as a promising film actor .

  13. 他作为电影演员的天才不久就得到了承认。

    His talent as a film actor was soon recognized .

  14. 他曾经是红极一时的电影演员。

    He used to have a great vogue as a film actor .

  15. 看看你——你真是最好的电影演员。

    There you were - really the greatest movie actor .

  16. 她在成为电影演员前是一名喜剧演员。

    Before she became a film actor , she was a comic .

  17. 试析电影演员的四种表演状态

    An Analysis of the Four Performing Levels of Movie Performers

  18. 他是个电影演员,经常去外国拍电影。

    He is a actor and often travel aboard to shoot movies .

  19. 因像当时一电影演员,经常被路人问询。

    Because , like when a movie actor , often passers inquiries .

  20. 这位年轻的演员是这部电影演员中的佼佼者。

    The young actor is a standout in the film 's cast .

  21. 她是电影演员的体型培训师。

    She helps actors get in shape for movies .

  22. 电影演员必须告诫自己小能频繁地眨眼睛。

    Actors in films have to teach themselves not to blink very often .

  23. 一些好莱坞电影演员以他们丰富、快节奏的生活而著称。

    Some Hollywood movie actors are famous for their rich , fast-paced lives .

  24. 电影演员在日本拍摄外景。

    The film actors are on location in Japan .

  25. 查理·卓别林作为一个电影演员而闻名于世。

    Charlie Chaplin was known as a film actor .

  26. 卡弗里杰哈是印度泰卢固语电影演员。

    Kaveri Jha is an Indian Telugu cinema actress .

  27. 假如有人请我当电影演员,我会表示拒绝。(事实上瑞没有人请我当电影演员)

    I would say no if someone asked me to be in a movie .

  28. 终于见到了那个著名的男电影演员本人,她十分激动。

    She was very excited about finally seeing the famous movie actor inthe flesh .

  29. 他也是电影演员。

    He is also a film actor .

  30. 他是个重要的电影演员。

    He was an important film actor .