
  • 网络nursing error
  1. 无褥疮及护理差错的发生;

    No bedsore and nursing error occurred .

  2. 结果83.5%护理差错和投诉发生的主要原因是系统运行和组织管理的问题。

    Results 83.5 % nursing error and complaints mainly resulted from system process and organization administration .

  3. 方法回顾2003~2006年间三家二甲医院的60例护理差错,分析差错的内容、环节,并在SHEL分析法基础上建立要素分解表,分析差错的成因。

    Methods Reviewing 60 nursing errors happening in 3 second level hospitals from 2003 to 2006 , analyzing the content , link , analyzing the causes with the element - table based on SHEL analysis .

  4. 管理制度是护理差错发生的重要影响因素

    The influence of management system on the occurrence of nursing errors

  5. 病房药品管理中的护理差错隐患

    Hidden Danger of Nursing Mistakes for Managing Drugs of Hospital Rooms

  6. 25例护理差错引起医患纠纷的原因分析与对策

    Analysis of 25 nurse-patient disputes due to nursing mistakes and strategies

  7. 19例护理差错原因分析及对策

    Causative Analysis on 19 Cases of Nursing Mistakes and Its Countermeasures

  8. 护理差错事故与行为科学相关因素探讨

    Approach on Related Factors Between Nursing Mistakes and Accidents and Behavior Science

  9. 护士对护理差错事故认识和态度的调查分析

    Investigation on the Nurses ' Understanding to the Nursing Errors and Accidents

  10. 温馨提示在防范护理差错中的作用

    Effect of gentle suggestion on precaution of nursing mistakes

  11. 87例护理差错高发因素分析及防范对策

    Factorial analysis of 87 nursing errors and preventive countermeasures

  12. 我院护理差错分析及对策

    Analysis and measure of nursing mistakes in our hospital

  13. 结果:提高了护士的风险意识及业务水平,减少护理差错。

    Result : Increase nurses venture concept and professional level and decrease nursing mai-practice .

  14. 加强环节质量管理预防护理差错发生

    Strengthening process quality control to prevent nursing errors

  15. 护理差错110例分析及管理启示

    Analysis the nursing errors and its management

  16. 96次护理差错分析

    Analysis on 96 of nursing mistakes

  17. 结论对护理差错和护理投诉进行根源分析有利于护理质量持续改进和提高。

    Conclusion Root analysis is helpful to improve nursing quality in the nursing error and complaint .

  18. 结果护理差错明显减少;

    Results Nursing errors decreased dramatically .

  19. 护士对护理差错事故自愿报告系统的认知与需求调查研究

    Investigation on cognition and demand of nurses toward voluntary report system of nursing mistakes and accidents

  20. 方法:对近6年多以来发生的63例护理差错进行回顾性分析。

    Methods : 63 nursing errors which were taken place during the past 6 years were analyzed .

  21. 结论重视“四新要素”的管理,可防范护理差错事故的发生。

    Conclusion Focusing on the management of " four new elements " can prevent nursing errors and mistakes .

  22. 减少了护理差错和不良事件的发生,提高了病人满意率。

    Results : It decreased nursing errors and infaust events and the satisfaction rate of patients was enhanced .

  23. 目的防范护生在手术室实习期间发生护理差错。

    Objective : To protect the nursing student from the mistakes made during the practice in operating room .

  24. 方法:选择两组情商高低不同的护士长,5年来对所分管病区护士的心理压力、工作积极性、护理差错事故、患者满意度、护理质控成绩、医生满意度、护士继续教育情况进行比较。

    Method : Choose 2 groups of head nurses with different emotion quotient and compare their working states .

  25. 目的:通过对护理差错原因进行分析,查找差错高发的原因,寻求有效的应对措施。

    Objective : To look for causes of nursing errors and seek effective countermeasures by analyzing the nursing errors .

  26. 结果87例护理差错涉及护理人员广泛,覆盖率为57.4%。

    Results Most nurses were involved in 87 nursing errors and accounted for 57.4 % in total nurses of the hospital .

  27. 病人安全与医疗护理差错日益受到人们关注。

    The improvement of patient safety and the prevention of medical errors have become the major concerns of health care providers .

  28. 从而证明,完善的制度职责、严谨的工作态度,能够有效减少护理差错隐患,保障患者手术安全。

    To prove that the system functions well , strict working attitude , can effectively reduce nursing errors hidden to protect the safety of surgery patients .

  29. 结果护理差错发生的内归因主要为:未严格执行规章制度和操作规程,占84.7%;注意力不集中,占15.3%。

    Result The major inner causes of nursing fault were careless implementation of laws and operation rules ( 84.7 % ) and absentmindedness ( 15.3 % ) .

  30. 目的通过对应分析方法揭示护理差错类型与原因的对应关系,为护理管理工作的改进提供依据。

    Objective To analyze the correspondent relationship between nursing mistakes and their causes by correspondence analysis , so as to provide evidence for improving the nursing management .