
yī hù
  • doctors and nurses
  • treat and nurse
医护 [yī hù]
  • (1) [cure and nurse]∶医疗护理

  • 答应她回原来的老行当, 干一辈子医护工作

  • (2) [doctor and nurse]∶医生与护士的简称

  • 医护全体参加

  1. 理查德正在召集医护人员,向他们说明去哪里。

    Richard was marshalling the doctors and nurses , showing them where to go .

  2. 据医院骨科医生李莉介绍,医院对病患进行了优先处理,组织了输血科、骨科、急诊科、麻醉科等20多名医护人员。

    The hospital prioritized his case and organized more than 20 doctors and nurses from departments including blood transfusion , orthopedics , emergency and anesthesiology , according to Li Li , an orthopedist at the hospital .

  3. 她在病人与医护人员间充当沟通的桥梁。

    She acts as a liaison between patients and staff .

  4. 女性占医院医护人员的44%。

    Women comprise 44 % of hospital medical staff .

  5. 英国随时准备把医护人员空运到该国。

    Britain was poised to fly medical staff to the country at short notice

  6. 发热诊室配备的医护人员应具备防疫专业技能。

    They should have professional staff with anti-epidemic skills .

  7. 他敦促各国团结一致,共同努力,确保在今年前100天为全世界所有医护人员和风险最大的老年人接种疫苗。

    Underlining that vaccine of all health workers and older people at most risk worldwide is underway , within the first 100 days of the year .

  8. 至少从之前研究人员给出的一些解释来看,“周末效应”与医院医护人员人手更少、专家人数更少、一些影像检查及介入性治疗无法立即进行有关,而这些医疗资源在工作日时间均可尽快获得。

    At least some of the previous explanations from researchers for the “ weekend effect ” are related to lower staffing levels ( nurses ) , fewer available specialists , as well as lack of readily available imaging and so-called interventional-type services offered during a typical “ work ” day from 9-5 .

  9. 一项涉及2000名母亲的调查发现,十几岁、二十多岁的妈妈们平均带8个人一起进产房,这还不包括助产士或其他医护人员。

    The crowd-birthing phenomenon which unites friends and family like nothing else . A survey of 2000 mothers has found that those in their twenties or teens are taking an average of eight people into the birthing room with them – and that doesn ’ t include the midwife or other medical staff .

  10. 在讨论研究伦理的时候,“医护标准”(standardofcare)这个词有几种不同的使用方式。

    The term ' standard of care ' is used in various ways in discussions of research ethics .

  11. 骨科OUR中X射线辐射量对医护人员敏感器官的影响

    The Effects of X-ray Radiation on Sensitive Organs of Medical Staffs during Orthopaedic Operation under Roentgenoscopy

  12. 医护人员HBV、HCV感染的血清流行病学研究

    Seroepidemiological study on the HBV and HCV infection of health-care personnel

  13. 临床医护人员HIV职业暴露及其防护&附5例分析

    Medical staff with occupational exposure to HIV and self - protection analysis of 5 cases

  14. PatLewis是德克萨斯州博蒙特的学校医护人员。

    Pat Lewis is a school nurse in Beaumont , Texas .

  15. SARS流行期间武汉地区一线医护人员心理调查

    The investigation of psychological status of medical staff during epidemic outbreak stage of SARS in Wuhan

  16. 结果:正常人和医护人员血浆中尚未检测到抗SARS冠状病毒IgG抗体。

    Results : Plasma anti SARS coronavirus IgG antibody was not detected in normal subjects and the clinical personnel .

  17. 方法查阅医院健康教育工作档案相关资料,现场对医护人员进行询问,利用A、B两种健康教育专业知识试卷对医护人员进行测试。

    Methods Refer to health education files and related materials of hospitals , on-the-spot interview to doctors and nurses , a survey of A and B health education professional knowledge questionnaires .

  18. 目的:了解我市医护人员对药品不良反应(ADR)监测的认识程度。

    OBJECTIVE : To get to know medical staff 's recognition of ADR monitoring in our city .

  19. 方法从3家SARS定点医院和7家发热门诊随机抽取545名医护人员进行问卷调查。

    Methods 545 health workers were sampled at random from 3 SARS patient treatment specific hospitals and 7 general hospitals established fever clinics .

  20. 从医护人员的手、工作服袖口以及病房空气、地面、桌面和床头也培养出MRSA;

    MRSA also were isolated from hands of staffs , uniform cuff and floor , headboard , desktop , atmosphere of wards .

  21. ICU的医护人员必须就许多危重患者生命支持治疗的维持或终止等问题与家属讨论。

    The physicians and nurses in the intensive care unit often discuss about withdrawing or withholding life-support therapy of critical ill patients with them or their family members .

  22. 医护人员工作中手、呼吸机管道MRSA阳性率为40%~50%,水龙头、拖布MRSA阳性率为50%~100%;

    The MRSA isolated rate in hands of hospital staff and breathing apparatus tube were 40 50 % , in tap and mop were 50 100 % .

  23. DIMS主要实现了对现有糖尿病信息的信息化管理,大大提高了医护人员的工作效率。

    DIMS has achieved the management of diabetes information and greatly enhanced the efficiency of the work of medical staff .

  24. 结果1激励机制:不同岗位的医护人员对经济因素、工作环境、技术和职业发展的态度差异具统计学意义(P0.05),医生的认可度得分高于护士。

    Incentive mechanism : There were statistical significant differences in the attitude of economic factors , working environment , technology and career development for medical stuff in different positions ( P0.05 ) . Scores of doctors was higher than nurses .

  25. 同时对部分(9例)患儿母亲和全部(20例)有关医护人员进行的柯萨奇B组病毒IgM抗体检测结果为,2例患儿母亲阳性。

    In the meantime , mothers of some infected newborns ( 9 cases ) and all ( 20 cases ) of related staffs in the hospital were detected for Coxsackie B virus specific IgM antibody 2 of the mothers were positive .

  26. 目的建立新发传染病(EID)可查询数据库,以利于提高医护人员对新发传染病的认识。

    Objective To establish a query database on emerging infectious diseases ( EID ) to improve the medical professionals knowledge of the EID .

  27. 周四晚间在做出诊断前,市长白思豪(BilldeBlasio)在一次新闻发布会上说,斯潘瑟已经向医护人员详细回忆了过去几天的活动。

    Mayor Bill de Blasio , speaking at a news conference Thursday evening before the diagnosis , said Dr. Spencer has given health workers a detailed accounting of his activities over the last few days .

  28. 在三维建模过程中,根据整形手术不同阶段的需要,分别采用多边形网格模型和NURBS模型完成了对整形手术的全程仿真,从而为医护人员提供了直观、完整的医学信息,方便了医患之间交流。

    In 3-D modeling process , it imitates the whole process of plastic surgery with polygon mesh and NURBS model based on plastic surgery 's demand in different stage , so intuitional and rounded medical information is provided .

  29. 方法回顾分析8例合并开放性骨折HIV感染者在住院期间采用的隔离措施、专科护理、基础护理、心理护理和健康教育,以及对医护人员艾滋病防治知识的培训。

    Method We retrospectively analyzed the isolation measures , specialty nursing , basic nursing , psychological care and health education on 8 cases of HIV infected patients with open fracture , as well as the training of prevention and treatment knowledge of AIDS for medical staff .

  30. 非营利组织“医疗机构认证联合委员会”(JointCommission)发布的一份报告指出,医院中发生的严重不良健康后果中,有逾70%的根源在于沟通不畅(而不是医护人员欠缺专业技能)。

    A review of reports by the Joint Commission , a nonprofit that provides accreditation to health care organizations , found that communication failure ( rather than a provider 's lack of technical skill ) was at the root of over 70 percent of serious adverse health outcomes in hospitals .