
hù ěr qì
  • ear-protector;ear-defender
  1. 护耳器声衰减性能评价方法的分析研究

    Analysis and Study on Assessment Methods for Decibel Attenuation Level of Ear-Plugs

  2. 护耳器使用现状评述

    Comment on the Current of the Use of Hearing Protector

  3. GB/T7584-1987声学护耳器声衰减的测量主观法

    Acoustics Measurement of sound attenuation of hearing protectors Subjective method

  4. 有源护耳器自适应辨识的实验研究

    Research on Adaptive Modeling Experiment for Active Ear Defender

  5. 两个研究人员记录了两个纺织工人戴了护耳器的结果。

    Two researchers recorded the results of the wearing of ear-defenders by two weavers .

  6. 炮兵自适应护耳器的设计

    The design of an adaptive earmuffs for artilleryman

  7. 反馈式有源护耳器控制系统设计

    Control system design of feedback ear defenders

  8. 护耳器主观测量方法。

    Subjective measuring method of ear protector .

  9. 有源护耳器的原理与设计

    Active ear defender design and principle

  10. 应用插入传声器法测量护耳器在高强脉冲噪声作用下的声衰减

    Application of the Probe Microphone Method to Measure Attenuation of Hearing Protectors Against High Impulse Sound Levels

  11. 向某人送秋波[抛媚眼]必须佩戴下列个人防护用品:安全帽、安全眼镜、面罩、防尘面罩、护耳器等。

    Give a person the glad eye Safety requirement : Hardhats , Safety Glasses , Dust Mask , Face Shield , Ear Muff , and etc.

  12. 从好几个月里所做的记录中发现,戴有护耳器的人,其个人工作效率提高了百分之七。

    From records taken over many months it was found that the personal efficiency of those wearing ear defenders had increased by 7 per cent .

  13. 为了研究单一护耳器和复合护耳器通话及防护效果,对14名男性被试者,分别进行了声衰减性能和通话效果实验。

    To study the communication quality and the protection effects of single protector and the combined ones , sound attenuation experiments and the communication experiments were conducted in 14 male subjects .

  14. 研究表明:护耳器现场使用实际声衰减值低于实验室值,其原因是护耳器的实验室测量条件较为严格。

    The real decibel attenuation of the hearing protector in the workplace is lower than the value measured in the laboratory , because the measuring conditions in the laboratory are more strict .

  15. 另一方面,在8小时强噪声环境中工作期间,未自始至终佩戴护耳器,则也达不到预期的保护听力的效果。

    And when workers exposed to noise environment for 8 hrs . , they usually do not insist to wear the the hearing protectors for whole period , and expected effect could not be achieved .

  16. 目的观察几种护耳器(耳塞、耳罩)对次声发生器次声场的隔声效果。方法在次声发生器工作现场,采用挪威840型实时分析仪,分别测量B。

    Comparing the Sound Reduction Attenuation of Three Types of Earmuffs with REAT Method Objective To observe the sound attenuation effect of several kinds of hearing protectors ( earplugs and earmuffs ) in an infrasound generator sound field .